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邪恶只有在反省时明显。Evil is obvious only in retrospect.

这部电影回顾了孙中山先生的一生。This movie is a retrospect on the life of Sun Yat-sen.

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“打打”闹闹回想起来觉的自己真的很幸福快乐!"Go" terrific retrospect really feel their own happiness!

对人机界面的发展进行了回顾。Retrospect to the development of human computer interface.

现在回想起来真觉得好笑,竹节虫成了我成长的牺牲品。Now in retrospect feel funny, stick insects into my victim.

有什么能比如此的回顾更让人心悦?What can be more gratifying than such a retrospect as this?

只是在回顾中才意识到,当时看似愚蠢的言行意义却如此深刻。It was only in retrospect that the silliness became profound.

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回想起来,他这样做对他的公司来说是对的,但却搞死我了。In retrospect he was right for his business but it sucked for me.

而参与的双方,甚至从后见之明来看,都保持了他们的谨慎。And the participants maintained their discretion even in retrospect.

回头想想,那仅仅是因为他们的吸烟史并不长。In retrospect it is just that they have not been smoking long enough.

第三章阐述了西北回族宴席曲流变的历史文化背景。Chapter Three is a retrospect of the historical backdrop of the changes.

回顾过去,你认为胡耀邦是一个杰出的中国领导人吗?Do you think in retrospect that Hu Yaoban was a very good leader of China?

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现在回想起来,可以说他这支歌在他们的斗争中至关重要。Now in retrospect it can be said that his song made a difference in their struggle.

我很高兴在回顾过去,我并没有选择从头开始建立一个U型船或加托。I am very glad in retrospect that I didn't choose to scratch build a U-boat or Gato.

他在夜晚要深思未来的每一个姿势,每一句话。He ruminated on the evening in future retrospect and recalled every gesture, every word.

受环境所迫,我们公司的业务成长缓慢,但回头看来却是好事一件。We were compelled by circumstances to grow slowly, and in retrospect it was a good thing.

只需回顾一下历史就能看到我们能力改善的快速。One only needs to look at history to see our capacity for rapid improvement in retrospect.

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回首20世纪,亚太地区的经济发展举世瞩目。In retrospect over the 20th century, the Asia-Pacific region achieved remarkable economic growth.

本文对引起恒星光谱线加宽的物理机制作了回顾。The historical retrospect of physical mechanisms of spectral lines broadening in stars is presented.

而如果你跟着这种感觉于是在回忆时你总是会意识到那就是该做的事情。And if you follow those feelings then in retrospect you often realize that it was the right thing to do.