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这是一个法定的无神论国家。This was an officially atheistic state.

苍白的脸孔,无神眼瞳,让人发紫。Pale face, atheistic Yan Tong, purple people.

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其他人则认为这是一个无神论的生活态度。Others see it as an atheistic approach to life.

因为他们认为休谟关于人性的理论属于无神论体系。Because they thought that his treatise of human nature was atheistic.

不知怎么,她缓慢的脚步和无神的眼睛使我厌倦。I do not know how, her slow footsteps and atheistic eyes makes me tired.

于是,生命的悲剧意识是无神论思想无法消除的要素。A tragic view of life is thus an uneliminable ingredient in atheistic thought.

如果一个人想成为无神论者,那也是上帝给他的权利。If a person wants to be atheistic , it's his God-given right to be an atheist.

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你必须解释为什么人们会听从无神论,而在某种程度上,100年前他们却并不如此。You have to explain why people listen to atheistic ideas in a way they did not 100 years ago.

就像他们在苏联和民主党内的那些兄弟,中国人都是无神论者。Much like their brethren in the USSR and the Democratic party, the Chinese are atheistic wonders.

每个人认为自己从更加大范围、更加系统的对无神论者或者说无宗教信仰者的研究中受益。Everybody stands to benefit from wider and more systematic research of the atheistic or non-religious.

存在主义只是经由一贯的无神论的立场上来寻求充分结论的一种企图而已。Existentialism is nothing else but an attempt to draw the full conclusions from a consistently atheistic position.

这三大原则表现在无神论存在主义文学里,就反射出世界的荒谬与个人的孤独。These three principles echo the absurdness of the world and solitude of individual in atheistic existential literature.

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许多人在网上发邮件向我抱怨其无神论的倾向,这篇文章在一定程度上对这些人作出回应。This list is partly in response to the numerous people who have emailed me complaining of an atheistic bias on the site.

第十八条保护有神论的、非神论的和无神论的信仰,以及不信奉任何宗教和信仰的权利。Article 18 protects theistic, non-theistic and atheistic beliefs, as well as the right not to profess any religion or belief.

进化论者所想着的和总想着的就是为我们的后代准备一个无神论的未来社会,一个没有神的世界。What evolutionists want and have always wanted, is to prepare our generations for a future Atheistic society, a world without God in it.

奇怪的是,一个自然选择的创造力低估云的理想不仅是激烈的宗教,而且无神论的斗志。Oddly, an underestimationofnatural selection 's creative power clouds the vision not just of the intensely religious but also of the atheistic.

例如在这片文章里,我们在“无神论者”、“无宗教者”、“无信仰者”“不信上帝者”这几个词中换来换去。In this article, for instance, we have danced between "atheistic", "non-theistic", "non-religious", "unbelieving" and "godless" as if they were synonyms.

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奇怪的是,激烈的宗教信徒以及好斗的无神论者低估了自然选择的创造力,致使蒙蔽了他们的眼睛。Oddly, an underestimation of natural selection's creative power clouds the vision not just of the intensely religious but also of the militantly atheistic.

图希下定决心要毁灭罗克,在他的操纵下,霍普顿·斯托达德,一个灵魂堕落的走卒,委托我们这位无神论建筑师设计一所基督教堂。Determined to crush Roark, Toohey manipulates a spiritually inclined pawn, Hopton Stoddard, to commission an ecumenical temple from the atheistic architect.

牧师铨,自己无法达成杰弗逊,敦促格兰特抛开他的无神论的信仰,并帮助节省不仅仅是杰弗逊的性质,但他的灵魂。The Reverend Ambrose, himself unable to reach Jefferson, urges Grant to put aside his atheistic beliefs and help save not just Jefferson's character, but his soul.