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迈克尔淘气地喊。Michael cried naughtily.

雪花飘落下来调皮。Snowflakes fall down naughtily.

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小丫头露出顽皮的笑靥。The bond maid peeps out to very naughtily smile dimple.

我说她像个假小子,她就顽皮地笑了。She smiled naughtily when I told her she was being boyish.

从地图上年,那个海角就像一只调皮地翘起来的鼻子。On the map that promontory looks like a nose, naughtily turned up.

你侧过身将头埋进他的发际温存蹭动,双手也不乖地溜进他的裤裆大胆探索。You turned around and laid your head into his hair caressingly, and your hands naughtily exploring in his pants.

他问每一个小朋友为什么要学习英语,我记得我十分调皮地说是为了去美国白宫见美国总统。He asked all the kids why we learned English. "I want to see the President in the White House", I replied naughtily.

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是水中的精灵吧,住在里面,偶尔吐出个泡泡,调皮的跟湖畔的行人打着招呼。Is it the water sprite who lives there, and occasionally throws a bubble, greeting the pedestrians around the lake naughtily?

狄青对那调皮的眨眼,一下子心有领悟,也离开了事故现场。The Di is green to very naughtily wink to that, the heart contains comprehension a while and also quit to perch a dispute past the smudge.

掌握住飞翔技术的幼蝶伏在蜻蜓的背上淘气一会之后又试着站在他的鼻梁上呵呵呵呵地俏笑着。The young butterfly who masters the technique of flying plays naughtily on the back of the dragonfly. A little while later, she tries to stand at the nose bridge of the dragonfly and smiles smugly.