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她生理上一切正常。She's a-okay physically.

它外观上很美,Physically it's beautiful,

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他们体积很小。They are physically small.

那些俘虏遭受了肉体上的摧残。Those captives were physically abused.

以肢体表演所学的生字。I physically act out new English words.

只要我能冲浪我就冲浪。as long as I can physically surf, I will.

我从未觉得我们在身体对抗上落下风。I never felt we were dominated physically.

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那你得首先让他们处在“高处”——当然“高处”是指物理上的高处。Then get them "high" first — physically that is.

他们整天都,在总统身边。who is physically with the president at all times.

这意味着无论是感情上还是生理上都不再紧抓不放。This means no clutching, emotionally or physically.

为什么认为对方是个不错的性伴侣?What makes them physically desirable to each other?

你不可能舔到你自己的肘子。It's physically impossible for you to lick your elbow.

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当你身体要昏倒的时候,你怎样作呢?What do you do when you are about to faint physically?

同时他应该有强健的体魄和良好的精神状态。Also he should be physically strong and mentally sound.

天天和女人干事会对身体有伤害吗?Every day, and women officers would be physically hurt?

对理论的自洽性作了物理解释。The consistency of the theory is interpreted physically.

与人类的视网膜相比,鹰的更大。Compared to ours, an eagle's retina is physically larger.

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虽然生理上我有正常的性功能,但我经常会性冷淡。Although I'm physically capable of sex, I often freeze up.

别试图用身体或在你的心里做其他的事情。Don’t try to do something else physically or in your mind.

最后,裁判把他抬出了体育馆。Finally, the ref physically threw him out of the building.