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目睹地出令他们感到谦卑。Witnessing an earthrise made them feel humble.

例如,她看到那些散养的母鸡下的蛋要比普通鸡蛋的蛋黄黄很多。For example, she could see the yolks are more yellow in the eggs from the range-free hens at Earthrise Farm.

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石嫣对于Earthrise的产品非常激动,那些蔬菜和鸡蛋尝起来要比一般的味道好多了。Shi Yan is excited about the food raised at Earthrise and feels it tastes better than commercially grown food.

这一刻也正好是宇航员杰克·扬格在月球上拍下著名的“地出”照片的时刻。It was precisely the moment that the Astronaut Jack Young took the famous photograph of the "Earthrise" from the moon.

阿波罗16号的船员用手持哈苏相机在环绕月球第二圈时派下了这张照片。The Apollo 16 crew captured this Earthrise with a handheld Hasselblad camera during the second revolution of the moon.

她也说那些蔬菜从地里到餐桌只是几个小时,更加新鲜。Also, she said the vegetables are much fresher going from the ground to the table at Earthrise Farm in a matter of hours.

包括专业摄影家在内的许多人都确信”地出”是人类所拍摄的最美的照片。Many people, including professional photographers, believe that the "Earthrise" photo is the most beautiful picture ever taken.

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希望哥本哈根回合谈判中的决策者们仔细思考“地出”照片的意义,并意识到我们的地球在广袤太空是如何的特别和脆弱。May all who will be making decisions at Copenhagen think long and hard about "Earthrise" and how special and fragile our planet is in the black void of space.

在我采访她的那天,她正在鸡蛋外面的硬纸盒包装上粘贴日期和商标。那些鸡蛋是散养的母鸡下的,这些鸡蛋将放在预定的份额成员的盒子里。On the day of the interview, she was putting dates and labels on cartons of eggs from hens who are range-free for placing in the boxes for subscribers to Earthrise Farm.

“小毛驴市民农园”改变了我的生活,石艳说,她在螺旋藻农场工作时就开始学习农场的商业化经营模式,“和他们生活在一起,我认识到它不仅仅是一种经营模式,更是一种生活方式。"It changed my life, " says Shi Yan. She arrived at Earthrise Farm thinking that she would study its business model, "but living with them, I realized that it's not just a model, it's a style of life.