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我客气地问道。I inquired politely.

那些人婉言拒绝了。The men politely decline.

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她有礼貌地向我行了个屈膝礼。She bobbed politely at me.

他婉言拒绝再服兵役。He politely refused to re-up.

听了这话,女推销员彬彬有礼地报以微笑。The salesgirl smiled politely.

他彬彬有礼地向我要那本书。He asked me politely for the book.

我婉言谢绝了他们的邀请。I politely refused their invitation.

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虎妞客气地试图溜走。Tigress politely tried to slip away.

我婉词谢绝了他们的聘请。i politely refused their invitation.

你应该待她更客气些。You should deal with her more politely.

你应该待他更客气些。You should deal with him more politely.

萨拉和我没再理会她哥哥。Sarah and I politely ignored her brother.

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于是,波尔加的这一提议被礼貌而坚决地拒绝了。The offer was politely but firmly declined.

考虑如何有礼貌地帮他们解决。Consider how you can politely help them out.

我礼貌的笑了笑,仍然直着向前看。I smiled politely and looked straight ahead.

那朋友礼貌地对报贩说了声谢谢。His friend politely said thanks to the seller.

当他邀请我跳舞时,我婉言拒绝了。When he asked me to dance, I declined politely.

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伽罗什礼貌但很愤怒地离开了会议。Garrosh politely but angrily leaves the meeting.

他再三拜请老师亲临指导。He politely asked for his teacher's instructions.

他又一次把我转过来,礼貌而唐突。He turned me around again, politely and abruptly.