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卵发生进行了超微结构的研究。The ultrastructure of oogenesis in the fern Osmunda cinnamomea L.

研究了薇菜的干制和复水工艺,并据此生产出营养和味道适宜的薇菜小食品。The drying and soaking processes of Osmunda japonica Thunb were investigated in this paper.

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薇菜白粉病是近年在鄂西地区发现的一种新病害。The powdery mildew in Osmunda japonica is a disease firstly discovered in the west of Hubei province.

结论紫萁贯众中鞣质的含量因产地和采收期变化而不同。Conclusion The different locations and harvest times affect the content of tannin in Rhizoma of Osmunda japonica.

的颈卵器和精子器的形态和发育进行了细致的研究。In present paper, the morphology and development of the archegonium and antheridium of the fern Osmunda cinnamomea L.

通过研究野生富硒植物薇菜的粘弹性力学性质等为食品物性学研究提供生物力学参数。In order to provide the biomechanical parameters, research on the osmunda cinnamomea which is a kind of plant full of Se was conducted.

采用间作套种与单种相结合的方式人工栽培野生薇菜成活率高、出苗多、整齐、粗壮。The cultivation of wild Osmunda japonica Thumb alone or intercropped with other crops resulted in high survival rate and germination rate of the healthy seedlings.

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以薇菜干为原料,采用不同的复水条件和不同的调味方法,试制出了几种风味各异的即食性薇菜制品。Dried Osmunda Japonica Thunb was used as raw material to produce several instant food of different flavors, and the effects of different conditions on rehydration ratio were discussed.

综合评价结果为禾耐斯是薇菜孢子繁殖基质的首选芽前除草剂,氟乐灵次之。The synthetic result of this study indicated that Harness was the primary preemergence herbicide for the spore stroma of Osmunda japonica Thunb propagation, and trifluralin was secondary.

应用本项技术培育紫萁生产用苗较何义发等发明的‘三段式’有土育苗至少缩短一年零五个月的育苗时间。Comparing with He Yifa's "Three Steps " culture seedling with soil, Using the technique to cultivate Osmunda Japonic Thunb seedling can shorten at least 17 months time to cultivate seedling.

选用吉林省汪清县山区野生薇菜为研究对象,对野生薇菜茎进行拉伸、压缩、弯曲、冲击、应力松驰、蠕变试验。Sampling the wild osmunda cinnamomea at Wangqing county mountainous area of Jilin Province, the pull, compression, impact, stress relaxation and creep tests on the samples were done respectively.