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你可以随时做我的舵手!You can be my wingman anytime!

你随时可当我的僚机飞行员。You can be my wingman any time.

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你飞过僚机的位置或长机的位置吗?。A. D. Did you fly as a wingman or a leader?

我的天哪,我帮你怎么样?我最擅长帮人牵线了。Oh my god, can I wing for you? I am such a good wingman.

我的朋友总是请求我去当他的僚机,他期望从我这儿得到什么?My friend always asks me to be as his wingman what is he expecting from me?

所以她邀请拿卡先生作为他的同伴,拿卡先生是她在斯坦福大学的同学。So she enlisted Mr. Nagae, a former classmate of hers at Stanford, as her wingman.

通过仿真.验证了所设计的控制方法能够极大地节省僚机的能量。The simulation results indicate the approach can largely save the power of the wingman.

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所以她邀请拿卡先生作为他的同伴,拿卡先生是她在斯坦福大学的同学。So she enlisted Mr. Nagae, a former classmate of hers at Stanford, as her wingman . But as they approached Mr.

当我驾驶着飞机,在泥泞的钢垫跑道上滑行的时候,我的僚机驾驶员雷克斯。As I taxied over the muddy steel matting of the runway, I got a wave and a grim from my wingman Lt. Rex Barter.

分队是可以部署的最小星际战斗机战术单位,由一架长机和一架僚机组成。An element is the smallest tactical unit of starfighters ever deployed, and consists only of a leader and a wingman.

自2006年以来,他一直担任邓加在国家队的助理教练——脾气暴躁的头领配上温文尔雅的副手,相得益彰。Since 2006, he has worked as Dunga’s assistant coach of the national team – a mild-mannered wingman to the ill-tempered gaffer.

针对无人机近距离编队飞行问题,采用极值搜索算法,解决其中僚机所需动力最小化的控制问题。An approach based on extremum seeking algorithms for the minimum power demand of the wingman in formation flight of an UAV is presented.

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在随后的混乱中,另外一架僚机撞上维德的座机,导致这位黑暗尊主失去控制,翻滚坠入太空。In the confusion that followed, the remaining wingman collided with Vader's ship, sending the Dark Lord spinning out of control into space.

我们会看到那时的他是什么样的、他是如何得到这个让克劳斯欣赏、以至于想让他做自己助手的这个“开膛手美名”的。We'll get to see what that was like and how he got this reputation that Klaus has been holding on to because Klaus wants Stefan to be his wingman.

雅文战役期间,这个年轻的科雷利亚人担任红色二号,在最后逼近死星的热排气口时,他是天行者的僚机。The young Corellian served as Red Two during the Battle of Yavin, and flew as Skywalker's wingman during the final approach on the Death Star's thermal exhaust port.

也许和乔去运动吧喝上一两杯很适合,但是当你想接近一群火辣的女士们的时候,他是否合适成为你的战友吗?Joe may be great to hang with at a sports bar, having a beer or two while watching the game, but is he suited to be your wingman when you approach a group of hot women?