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一个鱼鹰在水面上飞翔。An osprey is flying over the water.

鱼鹰热寻求工作令人敬畏游戏观景器。Osprey heat seekers work as awesome game finders.

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鱼鹰和蓝鹭一起白头鹰也可以看出。Osprey and Blue Herons along with Bald eagles can also be seen.

一只准备俯冲的鹗,摄于肯尼迪航天中心。An Osprey preparing to dive. Photographed at Kennedy Space Center.

鱼鹰猛扑到池塘抓鱼作午餐的时候惊起了一只鸭子。A duck flies off in alarm as an osprey swoops in to catch its lunch.

像秃鹰、游隼、鹭鸶这样的鸟类几乎消失殆尽。Species like the bald eagle, peregrine falcon and osprey nearly disappeared.

几分钟后,我匆匆抬头一看,发现了一只在高空中翱翔的鱼鹰。A few minutes later I glanced up and noticed soaring high above was an Osprey.

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白头海雕常掠过水面捕鱼,并抢夺鹗抓到的鱼,也吃腐肉。Bald eagles snatch fish at the water surface, rob osprey of fish, and eat carrion.

在动物中,一个生来要成为白鸽的生物是从来不会变成猛禽的。Never, even among animals, does the creature born to be a dove change into an osprey.

这是鱼鹰冲下来抓住鲑鱼出水的一霎。This is the moment an osprey swooped down and snatched a trout straight out of the water.

影片开始时士兵们都坐在一架贝尔波音V-22“鱼鹰”倾转旋翼机上。The soldiers at the beginning of the film are seen in a Bell Boeing CV-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft.

BAE系统公司将为CV-22“鱼鹰”飞机开发一种临时的四象限防御武器系统。BAE Systems will develop an interim all-quadrant defensive weapon system for the CV-22 Osprey aircraft.

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大西洋鱼鹰号只有单一船体以及单一引擎,在整个航程中也没有任何保护。The Atlantic Osprey has a single hull, just a single engine and will travel unescorted throughout its journey.

若干F-117战机以及CV-22“鱼鹰式”倾斜旋翼机在电影中重磅出场,有当做固定背景的也有滑行的场景。F-117s and the CV-22 Osprey are featured prominently in the movie as both static background and taxiing aircraft.

LAMV的每乘客英里耗油量只相当于V-22“鱼鹰”式倾转旋翼机或高性能直升机的1/4。The LAMV uses one-fourth of the fuel per passenger mile used by the tilt-rotor V-22 Osprey or high performance helicopters.

LAMV的每乘客英里耗油量只相当于V—22“鱼鹰”式倾转旋翼机或高性能直升机的1/4。The LAMV uses one-fourth of the fuel per passenger mile used by the tilt-rotor V-22 Osprey or high performance helicopters.

这只至少200年来第一只出生在诺森伯兰的小鱼鹰强健而且可以飞翔了。The first osprey chicks to be born in Northumberland for at least 200 years are fighting fit and getting ready for take-off.

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LAMV的每乘客席采购价格大约只有30人定员的“鱼鹰”机每乘客席的8%。The LAMV's purchase price per passenger seat is projected to be approximately eight percent of that for the 30-passenger Osprey.

三月二十六日,一只鹗在一面美国国旗前飞翔。这面国旗就漆在佛罗里达州甘迺迪太空中心的太空梭组装大楼外。An Osprey flies in front of the US flag painted on the Vehicle Assembly Building March 26, 2008, at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

住宅是返璞归真的一种表现,是对建筑师所学到的智慧的一种开发和终极理解。Osprey Nest is the expression of a return to fundamentals, the exploration and subsequent interpretation of what an architect has learned.