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他已要求对富通作价每股大约7欧元。Modrikamen has demanded a deal that values Fortis shares at about 7 euros.

海富通是第六个获得政府的同意,可以销售基金QD11的基金公司。Fortis Haitong is the sixth fund house to get the government go -ahead to sell a QD11 fund.

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简洁与锦富通电话,锦富保证会劝服克勤不告允儿。Concise and kam fortis phones, jin fu guarantee will persuade grams frequently do not tell son.

上个星期,四个国家向荷卢银行伸出了援手。That was the case of last week's rescue by four countries of the Benelux banks Dexia and Fortis.

东方田鼠在湖滩及农田间的迁移主要取决于湖水水位及种群密度,无固定的迁移时间。When M. fortis started to migrate depended on the water level of the lake and the population density.

那时的我以为找到完美的保养品是不可能,直到我开始使用玻尿酸保湿精华液。I thought that finding the ultimate skincare product was impossible, until I started using AQUA FORTIS.

本文就东方田鼠在生物医学研究中的应用研究现状作一综述。The recent development in research on microtus fortis in biology and medicine is reviewed in this paper.

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刚开始我试了玻尿酸保湿精华液和虾红素活颜抗皱精华液,一个月不到,我就看到明显的改善。I chose AQUA FORTIS and ASTERNITY to test the water. Within a month, I saw a dramatic difference with my skin.

上诉法院的裁决意味着富通与法国巴黎银行完成交易的日期势将延期。The Court of Appeal's ruling means that Fortis and BNP Paribas to complete the transaction will delay the date.

Fortis发现,在前几次危机时,标准普尔500指数在谷底排徊3.5个月到11个月不等.Fortis has found that during previous crises, bottoms in the S&P 500 index .SPX have lasted from 3.5 to 11 months.

我的甲状腺液停止分泌,肌肤变得非常干燥,我相信UNT的玻尿酸保湿精华液是让我肌肤改善的最主要原因。My thyroid stopped working and my skin became very dry, UNT Aqua Fortis is what I believe brought my skin back to life.

现在我每次外出旅行,我都只需要带上UNT的草本保湿赋活露和玻尿酸保湿精华液。Now whenever I need to go on a trip, I would only need to bring UNT's NATURELLE HYDRATING TONER and AQUA FORTIS with me.

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东方田鼠是迄今发现的唯一一种具有抗血吸虫病作用的哺乳动物。Microtus fortis is the only one mammalian animals with resistance to schistosomiasis found in the epidemic area in China.

而对像富通这样的机构来说则不太可能。这家大型的比-荷银行已经眼睁睁看着自己的股价在本周跳水。That is far less likely for an institution such as Fortis , a large Belgo-Dutch bank which saw its shares plunge this week.

自此,原富通业务核心的荷比卢三国银行与保险业务已经与上市公司无缘。Since then, the original core business of Fortis Benelux banking and insurance business and has no chance of listed companies.

从那时起,比荷卢经济联盟的富通银行和保险业最初的核心业务与上市公司业务已经错过了。Since then, the original core business of Fortis Benelux banking and insurance business with a listed company has been missed.

直到我妈妈介绍UNT给我,她之前已经死忠的使用UNT的玻尿酸保湿精华液和传明酸美白精华液数个月。Until I was introduced to UNT by my mother, who has been religiously using the AQUA FORTIS and EX WHITE for a number of months.

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它曾坚持其不需要跟随富通和德克夏向政府求助。It insisted then that it had no need to follow the example of two of its Belgian peers, Fortis and Dexia, and demand a bail-out.

愤怒的富通银行股东们在召开一场股东大会之后决定暂停巴黎银行接收富通在比利时的银行业务。BNP Paribas's takeover of Fortis's Belgian banking operations was thrown into doubt after an angry meeting of Fortis shareholders.

玻尿酸保湿精华液则给我的肌肤水嫩的触感,脸部的泛红也明显的改善,让我几乎忘了我有酒糟的问题!AQUA FORTIS gives my skin a constant softness. The redness on my face is improved, and I almost forget that I have rosacea problem!