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但是品牌广告对新生的初创企业来说是一件困难的事情。But brand advertising can be a tough thing for scrappy startups.

事实上,那里是个充满活力的商业区,充斥着小商小贩。But they're actually vibrant business centers filled with scrappy entrepreneurs.

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沙律虾,烧鸭,鱼鳔桂花蛋,海蜇,米卷。Salad Prawns, Barbecued Pork, Scrappy Egg with Fish Maw, Jelly Fish, Rice Rolls.

那时的丹尼尔个性独立、出入荒野,热爱狩猎,是一个精力旺盛的男孩。Daniel appears to have been a scrappy lad who loved hunting, the wilderness, and independence.

他将招聘另外50-75名聪明机灵的年轻人,填补空白,如此循环。He’ll hire up another 50-75 more smart, scrappy kids to fill that gap and keep the cycle going.

你只需要把注意力放在你做的最好的事情上,那就是掏心掏肺的唱歌。You just need to concentrate on what you do best, which is singing your scrappy little heart out.

他站在门廊里,望着这个落伍者匆匆忙忙地奔向角逐场,那里是一片尖锐的争吵声。He stood in the porch and watched the laggard hurry towards the scrappy field where sharp voices were in strife.

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红人队实在太强了,相比之下,福特汉姆队就像一群来自布朗克斯和布鲁克林区的小打小闹的孩子。The UMass team was very, very good. Fordham, by contrast, was a team of scrappy kids from the Bronx and Brooklyn.

淑女在保守的商务场所不穿杂乱装饰和露脚趾的鞋。A lady does not wear scrappy sandals and airy open- toed shoes when working in a conservative business environment.

这大概与泄密行动已经从小打小闹的粉丝网站逐渐向主流媒体转移这一事实有点关系。It may have something to do with the fact that Apple leaks have shifted from scrappy fan sites into the mainstream.

马克,克瑞斯、埃瑞克汤姆出去吃饭,互相亲密称胖子、恶狼、癞头废材。If Mark, Chris, Eric Tom go out, they will affectionately refer each other as Fat Boy, Godzilla, Peanut -Head Scrappy.

要是男人出去喝酒,他们会互相亲密地称作胖子、得休、一言或废材。If men go out, they will affectionately refer to each other by nickname, such as Fat Boy, Godzilla, Peanut-Head and Scrappy.

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在这场进行得七零八落的欧联杯决赛中,波尔图前锋法尔考攻进了唯一一粒入球,帮助球队战胜了同样来自葡萄牙的老乡——布拉加队,在都柏林捧得奖杯。Falcao scored the only goal of a scrappy Europa League final to give Porto victory over their Portuguese neighbours Braga in Dublin.

他的拥趸众多,包括世界头号大公司的董事长,非政府组织的头头脑脑,新生企业的创始人。His admirers were legion, including bosses of some of the world’s biggest companies, heads of NGOs and founders of scrappy start-ups.

大声嚼着雪茄的凯恩先生,在这个引人警戒的故事中,是个中心人物,他酷爱其公司作为华尔街好斗的局外人形象。At the heart of this cautionary tale sits the cigar-chomping Mr Cayne, who revelled in his firm's image as Wall Street's scrappy outsider.

大声嚼着雪茄的凯恩先生处于这个引人警戒的故事的中心,他酷爱其公司作为华尔街好斗的局外人形象。At the heart of this cautionary tale sits the cigar-chomping Mr Cayne, who revelled in his firm’s image as Wall Street’s scrappy outsider.

电影“火爆教头草地兵”取其背景于此,该片讲述了一支斗志旺盛的小镇高中篮球队赢得全国冠军的故事。This is the state in which "Hoosiers" was set, a film about a scrappy small-town high-school basketball team that wins the state championship.

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凯特手掌里,露丝的手潮潮的,她们看着两个打扮成仙女的小孩跑过,跑在前面的那个手里挥舞着一张长长的抽奖券。Ruthie's hand rests damply in hers, and together they watch two scrappy fairies race by, the swifter one waving a long string of raffle tickets.

凯特手掌里,露丝的手潮潮的,她们看着两个打扮成仙女的小孩跑过,跑在前面的那个手里挥舞着一张长长的抽奖券。Ruthie’s hand rests damply in hers, and together they watch two scrappy fairies race by, the swifter one waving a long string of raffle tickets.

也有一小群罕见的企业家,由于他们天性古怪,不满于现状,尽管已经获得了巨大的成功,他们仍如饥似渴,斗志昂扬。There exists a rare breed of entrepreneurs that have already had mega-success are so special and driven that they remain obviously hungry and scrappy.