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我将在本学期担任各位的导师。I will be your lecturer this term.

演讲者是个中年男人。The lecturer was a middle-aged man.

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另一个职位是讲师。Another position is that of lecturer.

那个演讲人被嘘下了台。The lecturer was hissed off the stage.

薛立是位不可思议,活灵活现的演讲者Shelly is an incredibly dynamic lecturer.

薛立是位不可思议,活灵活现的演讲者“"Shelly is an incredibly dynamic lecturer."

演讲者掖下夹着一个文件走了进来。The lecturer walked in with a file under his arm.

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他是位好讲师,因为他确实精通业务。He's a good lecturer as he really knows his stuff.

教授僵尸学的是阿诺德布隆伯格。The lecturer of Zombie Studies is Arnold Blumberg.

各校纷纷邀请詹森先生讲课。Mr. Johnson was very much in request as a lecturer.

他现在是慕迪圣经学院的客座讲师。He is now a guest lecturer of the Moody Bible Institute.

该位演讲者仅仅触碰到题目的表面。The lecturer merely scratched the surface of the subject.

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主持侍讲活动的最高职位也称侍讲。The highest position of the system was the royal lecturer.

讲演者为听众所提出的许多问题所困恼。The lecturer was besieged with questions from his audience.

姜朋,法学博士,清华大学经济管理学院讲师。Jiang Peng of Law, Lecturer of Tsinghua University, Beijing.

这个演说者在台上趾高气扬地来回走着。The pompous lecturer is strutting ago or toth over the stage.

巴登围腾堡州医疗教学中心讲师。Baden wai Gutenberg state medical teaching centre of lecturer.

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在选集中演讲者忽视了对选举的微不足道的消极反思。In the selection the lecturer neglected the negligible negative

演讲人在开场场白中陈述了自己的主要观点。The lecturer stated her main idea in the preface of her speech.

牛津大学,组织工程与生物加工中心,讲师。Cathy YE Tissue Engineering and Bioprocessing, Oxford, lecturer.