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是的,肯德基炸鸡。Yes, Kentucky Fried Chicken.

他说,“我是从肯塔基州的卡温顿来的。I'm from Covington, Kentucky.

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这并不仅仅在肯塔基州的东部。It is not just eastern Kentucky.

肯塔基州的蓝草国。Kentucky is the Bluegrass State.

肯塔基州别名是“蓝草州”。Kentucky is the Bluegrass State.

肯塔基州是蓝草之州。Kentucky is "The Bluegrass State."

那匹马在肯塔基马赛上获胜。That horse won the Kentucky Derby.

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为那遥远的肯塔基故乡。For the Old Kentucky Home far away.

为那遥远的肯得基老家乡。For the old Kentucky Home far away.

海绵宝宝的包装袋甚至出现在了肯德基里。SpongeBob has even hawked Kentucky Fried Chicken.

杰德在林子后私酿的酒就是玉米威士忌。Kentucky corn is what Jed makes back in the woods.

我喜欢吃肯德鸡的比士吉。I like to eat the biscuits of Kentucky Fried Chicken.

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烧烤大师掌勺KGC烤鸡KFC "Grill Sergeants" Master Kentucky Grilled Chicken

比赛在单圈一点五哩的肯塔基椭圆形赛道举行。The race was at the 1.5 miler Kentucky Speedway oval.

亚伯拉罕林肯出生在肯塔基州一八○九年。Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky in eighteen nine.

对方重新发球,肯塔基队又把球抢下来,Walker再次轻松得分。Kentucky stole it again. Another easy basket by Walker.

肯塔基州在大部分的指标上表现很差。Kentucky performs poorly in most categories on this list.

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辉格党在参议员的领导人是肯塔基州的亨利.克莱。The Whig leader in the Senate was Henry Clay of Kentucky.

约翰尼·迪普的生活1963年6月9日开始于肯塔基州欧文斯伯罗。Johnny's life began in Owensboro, Kentucky on June 9, 1963.

然而这些都没打消他对肯塔基篮球队的热情。Yet it never squelched his passion for Kentucky basketball.