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这原是一种顶腻烦的事儿。It was a most tedious business.

你们很快就会乏味。This very quickly gets tedious.

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编织毛线衣,是很费神耗时的工作。Knitting is a very tedious work.

不用说,这将是一个繁琐的过程。Needless to say, this is a tedious process.

讲演者那冗长乏味的讲话使我们感到厌烦。We are bored by the speaker's tedious talk.

这位律师唠唠叨叨,单调乏味。This lawyer verbalizes and is rather tedious.

听众用咳嗽声阻挠演讲人的沉闷发言。The audience coughed down the tedious speaker.

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他仍不厌其详地讲他的业余爱好。He go on at tedious length about his favourite hobby.

这是很乏味的过程,所以我每次只删掉一些。It was a tedious process, so I did it in small chunks.

上游的工作是乏味的,取得的进展往往是缓慢的。Upstreaming is tedious work and progress is often slow.

而司法程序往往很复杂和冗长。The judicial procedure is often complicated and tedious.

但是他们太经常看到的是一种单调乏味的学习景象。But too often the image they see is one of tedious study.

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因此,堵到您的笔记型电脑可能是一个冗长的过程。So, plugging into your laptop could be a tedious process.

某种程度上来看比较枯燥,至少语音版如此。It’s a bit tedious in spots, at least in the audio version.

跟我一起离开去喝点咖啡吧,这演讲又臭又长。Come off with me and have some coffee, it's a tedious speech.

试图弄清楚这一点很单调乏味,而且容易出错。Trying to straighten this out would be tedious and error prone.

保持两份拷贝的同步是一件乏味而易错的工作。Keeping the two copies in sync is a tedious and error-prone task.

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安装的复查和验证过程可能会十分单调乏味。The process of review and verification on install can be tedious.

消弭冠是一个十分乏味的第一程序,最好的。Removing the crowns was at first a very tedious procedure at best.

市长向女王背诵了一篇又长又臭的欢迎词。The mayor recited to the Queen a long and tedious speech of welcome.