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昨晚,我去看了一场拉斯维加斯即兴表演者的演出。Last night I went to a show of the Las Vegas Improvisational Players.

非盈利组织的方法很即兴和亲自的。The non-profit organization's approach is improvisational and personal.

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钢琴即兴伴奏即为歌曲编配伴奏。Piano improvisational accompaniment refers to the accompaniment of songs.

CFI是一个关于中国即兴音乐的组织和平台。CFI is an organization and platform for China's free improvisational music.

我喜欢即兴的演奏,也很喜欢跟即兴的音乐人合作。I love improvising and I love working with other improvisational musicians.

我们即兴表演,连老师都克制不住参加进来了。We improvisational performance, even the teacher all couldn't hold participate.

我的头脑中出现了像“实验城市”、“即兴发挥的城市”、“出人意料的城市”等词语。Terms like Experimental City, Improvisational City, Accidental City come to mind.

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不过她很聪明机灵,和她一起工作真的很棒很奇妙,我们的演出都是很即兴的。But, she's so bright, smart and aware. It's just amazing to work with her. It's very improvisational.

Katzman研究过表演和即兴表演并且运用戏剧作为治疗手段。Katzman has studied acting and improvisational theater and has used drama as a therapeutic technique.

上一些即兴表演的课程可能对你即兴发挥能力有帮助。You may find that taking a class in improvisational theater will help arm you for such opportunities.

做即兴表演的演员要在舞台上接受任何拿到手的剧本,这一点让我印象非常深刻。I was particularly struck by the need for improvisational actors to accept whatever is offered to them on stage.

我觉得高山滑雪既舒展,又大方,更能体现人的即兴发挥。I feel alpine skiing is both extending and natural and poised. It reflects people's improvisational ability even more.

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你们为我们提供了一个温暖热心的环境,使我们在创作中最大程度的发挥了自己的即兴技巧和实践技巧。You have provided a welcoming environment that has brought out the best of our improvisational and experimental skills.

其中的创意动画设计的挑战是要找到一个平衡点之间的叙事与即兴方面的游戏。One of the creative animation challenges is to find a balance between the narrative and the improvisational aspect of the game.

随我去追逐阳光的线条,随风和浪翩然起舞,为众神的即兴画作喝彩。Follow me please to chase the sun lights, to dance lightly with the wind and wave, and to cheer for the improvisational paintings from the gods.

“即兴演奏”是一项特殊的音乐技巧,是创造与表演、灵感与技术的完美结合。Improvisational performance and creation is special music that is a perfect combination of creation and performance between inspiration and technology.

有劳动歌曲,是渔民在行船时,为了消除疲劳,调节情绪而演唱的歌曲,内容以即兴抒怀为主。Labour song is a music performed by fishermen to dissipate fatigue when they are sailing a boat, and focuses on the express of improvisational emotion.

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这种音乐是种即兴式的演奏方法,而且听起来就好象受苦的人向上帝哭诉,而其后得到上帝的安慰与响应!This kind of music use improvisational performance method and it sounds like the one who suffer whine to God. Then he got comfort and response from God!

所以,在这最后一章,我们都扮演着即兴角色。没有剧本,从文字的正式意义上来说,也真的没有导演。So in this, the final chapter, we are all playing improvisational roles, there is no script, and there is really no director in the formal sense of the word.

我与美国的演员、喜剧和戏剧教师以及非洲的故事讲述者一起合作,共同研究如何将即兴的操练加入到实际情况中以此来提高交流技能。I worked with actors, comedians and drama teachers in America and storytellers in Africa to adapt improvisational drills into exercises that enhance conversational Skills.