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严格地自我审查。Stringent self-censorship.

这台设备要求高标准。This instrument demands stringent specification.

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香港有严厉的防止避税法例。We also have stringent anti-tax avoidance legislation.

显然,全动态解耦是一个严格的要求。Clearly, full dynamic decoupling is a stringent demand.

必须严格管理,确保坚持治疗。Stringent efforts are needed to ensure treatment adherence.

这种更加严格的政策现在看来似乎正在着力实施。This more stringent strategy now seems to be coming to fruition.

苏醒心下一阵气闷,对弟子们要求更加严格。Wake up a heart Qimen, more stringent requirements of the disciples.

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另外一大类定理处理不太严励的条件。Another major class of theorems deals with less stringent conditions.

但是,它不像美国使用的空气质量指数那样严格。But it is less stringent than air-quality indexes in the United States.

欧洲有一些世界上最严格的大气污染限制标准。Europe has some of the most stringent air-pollution limits in the world.

而新的法律是目前欧洲最严厉的禁烟法。The new law is currently the most stringent anti-smoking laws in Europe.

这部法律规定了世界上最严格的铅含量标准。This law imposes the most stringent lead standards of anywhere in the world.

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经过德安严格审查后北京分公司在财务上没有任何问题。After DeAn's stringent examine, the Beijing branch has no financial problems.

但新闻工作者自己定立的道德标准可能比法律规定的更加严格。But journalists’ own ethical standards can be more stringent than legal ones.

“机器-或-转换检验方法”在许多人看来过于严苛。The “machine-or-transformation test,” in the eyes of many, was too stringent.

摩斯勒认为Groupons的规模可以做到更严格的质量控制。Mossler says Groupon's size allows it to exert more stringent quality control.

不过,e6还没有通过中国的安全检测,更不用说有过之而无不及的美国检验了。But the e6 still hasn't passed Chinese safety tests, let alone more stringent U.

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你越害怕气候变化,税收或配额的力度就应越强。The more you fear climate change, the more stringent the tax or quota should be.

但是,如果您的某些要求需要满足一组更严格的规则,那又该怎么办呢?But what if part of your requirements is to follow a more stringent set of rules?

法律应该严惩那些企图骗取人民血汗钱的恶人。There laws are very stringent and anybody swindles public money will be executed.