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返回海角岗哨。Return to Promontory Point.

有一次我坐在海岬上。Since once I sat upon a promontory.

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从北冰洋松树似的岬角。Or piny promontory of the Arctic main.

世界上最著名的海角是什么?What's the famous promontory in the world?

从地图上年,那个海角就像一只调皮地翘起来的鼻子。On the map that promontory looks like a nose, naughtily turned up.

为了避免阿陀斯山的船难,薜西斯已经在海角背后开凿了一条运河。To avoid another shipwreck off Mount Athos, Xerxes had a canal dug behind the promontory.

一个美国的考古队在阿伊亚•依里尼海角的古城里考察了一座庙宇。An American team explored a temple which stands in an ancient city on the promontory of Ayia Irini.

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一支美国考古队考察了阿伊亚。伊里尼海角一个古城里的一座神庙。An American team explored a temple which stands in an ancient city on the promontory of Ayria Irini.

但自此突起以下的下游,这条大河便首次被正式叫做恒河。But downstream from this promontory , the larger river is officially called the Ganga for the first time.

九丈沟金矿床矿区位于华熊台隆西缘,马超营断裂带北侧。This gold deposit is located on the west of Huaxiongtai promontory and the north of Machaoying fracture zone.

主屋坐落在大约2.5英亩土地后方的海角上,每一个房间都看得到海景全景。The main house sits on a promontory at the rear of its approx. 2.5 acres with panoramic views from every room.

走过快餐店跟一座独立的寺院,就到了可以看见整个海景及清澈的蓝天就在头顶的岩石岬。Walk past trattorias and a solitary abbey to a rocky promontory with the sea always in full view and a clear sky overhead.

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同时,排列在海滩边那些高大海岬上的重型炮台也在协助着闸门的防守。Also lending aid to the defense of the Cove is a bank of massive cannons that line the rocky promontory high above the bay.

要像峙立于不断拍打的巨浪之前的礁石,它巍然不动,驯服着它周围海浪的狂暴。Be like the promontory against which the waves continually break, but it stands firm and tames the fury of the water around it.

法国北部的海峡,靠近加来伸入多佛海峡。为最靠近大不列颠岛的地点。A promontory of northern France extending into the Strait of Dover near Calais. It is the nearest point to the island of Great Britain.

落日时分,爱琴海群岛魅力无限的白色建筑,惊险万分的悬崖峭壁,都要统统给壮观的海角落日让路。The charming white architecture of the archipelago and the breathtaking cliffs give way to spectacular promontory viewings during a sunset.

实际上我已靠近陆地,看得见被风吹得偏向一边的绿盈盈的树梢,心想一定不能错过下一个岬角。I was, indeed, close in. I could see the cool, green tree-tops swaying together in the breeze, and I felt sure I should make the next promontory without fail.

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北戴河海滨避暑区,西起戴河口,东至鹰角亭,东西长约10公里,南北宽约1.5公里。The Beidaihe seaside summer resort area, about 10 kilometers long and 1.5 kilometers wide, begins at the mouth of Beidaihe and ends at the Eagle Promontory Pavilion.

津轻半岛突端的龙飞崎是日本不多见的强风地带,年间平均风速达10米。Cape Tappi, the promontory at the tip of the Tsugaru-hanto Peninsula, is well-known for its severe gales, where the average force of the wind is 10 meters per second.

1869年,来自太平洋联合铁路和太平洋中央铁路的员工齐聚于犹他州突顶山,开始修筑由政府资助的首条横跨美国大陆的铁路。In 1869, crews from the Union Pacific and the Central Pacific railroads met at Promontory Summit, Utah, to complete the federally subsidized transcontinental railroad.