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这是陈腐平庸的大规模制造者。It is a mass-producer of banality.

在平凡中演绎着永恒。Deduce the abyss of time in the banality.

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从平凡的点滴中发掘美的韵律。Discover beautiful metre from the banality of the intravenous drop.

一旦他们这样做了,其确切含义中任何平庸的成分就都被掩盖了。Once they have done this, any banality in the actual meaning is camouflaged.

它的肤浅和平庸可能被解释为一个购物的批判。Its superficiality and banality could be interpreted as a critique of shopping.

汉娜•阿伦特一生最大的思考重心是“关于平庸的恶的思考”。The thinking kernel of Hannah Arendt's whole life is "thinking of Banality of evil".

而平凡人,宁愿死都是要平凡做人,只是,这样的生活好吗?But ordinary person, die to all want banality to be a person rather, just, so of live like?

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毕竟,你们被容许把它当作是一个绊脚石,或是把它当作是陈腔滥调。After all it is permissible for you to take it as a stumbling block or if you wish as a banality.

也有一些是熟悉的平庸的谜太多,以及在其波塞尔的怪事。There is something familiar in the banality of the riddle too, and in the weirdness of its poser.

在这个问题上,“传统观点”,在所有迫在眉睫的问题上,是完全正确的。On this question, the conventional wisdom -- in all its hair-on-fire banality -- is absolutely right.

在平凡的生活中,有多少个孤单的你、我,就会有多少份期待的执着。Have in the banality of the life how much solitary of you, I, there will be how much persist expectantly.

否定快乐的人发现工作共有贫困与日常生活的乏味以及琐碎。The negative pleasure one finds in work partakes of the poverty and banality of daily life, its pettiness.

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帅得直挠墙捧着程平凡的脸献上一个深深的吻。Being handsome must keep a Nao wall to hold the face of distance banality to dedicate previous deeply kiss.

我喜欢我的工作,我希望在平凡的岗位能给大家创造通畅、快捷的通讯服务!I likes my work, I hope that the post in banality can create lucid and fast communication service for everyone!

当有人说学好英文有利于找到好工作时,此人多半不预期听者会对这种老生常谈击节赞赏。Anyone advising that learning English can help secure a cushy job is certainly not expecting any recognition for such banality.

本文从净化均化陈化工艺方面阐述了提高煤矸石烧结砖质量的措施。The paper expounds the methods about improve quality of gangue sintering brick from the technology of purgation homogeneity banality.

典型的,这些品质是那些乏味平庸的暴徒所反对的,而他们不啻为汉娜·阿伦特描绘的词组“平庸的恶”。Typically, these are opposed by bland, bromide-mouthing mobs who evoke nothing so much as Hannah Arendt's phrase "the banality of evil."

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约翰·勒奇特是一位来自澳大利亚的社会学教授。他将客居的特点描述为“一种逃离平凡无聊日常生活的状态”。John Lechte, an Australian professor of social theory, characterises foreignness as "an escape from the boredom and banality of the everyday".

或者,更好的解释,它也许仅是汉娜·阿伦特思想的一个实证,即极权主义仅仅是“平庸的恶”原则的一种表现。Or, more plausibly, it may be an illustration of Hannah Arendt's view that totalitarianism is merely an application of the principle of the "banality of evil."

我同意。这关系到太空爆炸的高科技特性,和厕所故障的平凡特性的对立,这是个喜剧素材哦。I agree. It's the juxtaposition of the high-tech nature of space exploration against the banality of a malfunctioning toilet that provides the comic fodder here.