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经济合作署只存在了四年。The ECA existed for just four years.

本月作为英语主题活动月,稍后还会有更加精彩的英语活动。As this month is the English theme month, more ECA is on the way.

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该署的很多雇员都是后来成为各自领域领袖的理想主义青年。Many ECA employees were young idealists who would go on to become leaders in their field.

一次,一位有权势的国会议员要求经济合作署雇用其一位完全合格的亲戚。In one case, an influential congressman asked to have a highly qualified relative put on the ECA staff.

他还向美国国务院教育文化局官员科瑞基先生赠送了一幅刺绣壁挂,以感谢该局为“文化探寻”项目提供支持。He also presented a tapestry to the ECA officer as thanks to the U.S. agency for supporting the LOD project.

丹麦首都及第一大城哥本哈根,从2010年的第8位下降至第12位。Copenhagen, Denmark's capital and largest city, fell to No. 12, from No. 8, in ECA International's 2010 ranking.

研究了固化温度、时间及导电胶层厚度对导电胶固化后导电性的影响。The effect of the curing time, temperature and the thickness of ECA for electrical conductivity of ECA was researched.

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接着,讨论了适用于移动数据库的ECA规则嵌入方法—基于ECA介体的体系结构。Third, the method of ECA rules embed in mobile database systems-the architecture of based on ECA mediator is discussed.

堪培拉是澳大利亚物价第二贵的城市,其ECA排名从2009年的149位一跃至今年的第18位。Canberra, Australia's second-most expensive city, jumped to No. 18 in ECA International's ranking, from No. 149 in 2009.

当其他城市物价飞涨之时,巴黎在ECA的年度报告上,反而从2009和2010年的16位下滑到第20位。As costs rise in other cities, Paris has dropped to No. 20 in ECA International's annual report, from No. 16 in 2010 and 2009.

这份由伦敦ECA所做的调查,是以气候、空气品质、健康服务、居住及个人安全来做排名。The survey by London-based ECA ranks cities by climate, air quality, health services, housing and personal safety, among other categories.

而对修辞格在实现广告的言后之果作用方面的研究略为少见。The researches about how the figures of speech realizing the perlocutionary effect in ECA turn out to be the area lacking of due attention.

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本文主要研究在传统图形化建模方法基础上,引入ECA规则增强工作流系统的柔性。This article mainly studies how to strength the flexibility of the workflow using ECA rules based on the traditional graphical modelling tool.

经济合作署自身受到美国国会的严格监督──国会要求每年在进一步拨款前对资金的使用进行全面彻底的审查。The ECA itself was scrutinized closely by Congress, which wanted a thorough review of spending each year before additional funds were appropriated.

巴萨主席接着表示ECA希望欧足联能够对欧冠联赛做出改变,以便能够为俱乐部增加更多收入。The Barcelona president then went on to say that the ECA wants Uefa to make changes to the Champions League in order to increase income for the clubs.

课外活动社团也设立了摊位,向同学们展示这一年举行过的各种活动及成员取得的成果。ECA clubs were invited to set up stands offering a closer look at the activities they had held during the year and show achievements made by club members.

该协会的首脑是拜仁主席鲁梅尼格,ECA代表了欧洲53个国家在本大洲最成功的球队。Headed by Bayern Munich chairman Karl-Heinz Rummenigge, the ECA represents teams from Europe's 53 football nations who have had most success in continental competitions.

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ECA表示,所调查的生活成本包括食物、服装和饮料等花费,但不包括房租,因为公司一般会为员工提供单独的住房津贴。The report takes into consideration food, clothing and drink expenses for its rankings, but not rent since companies typically offer a separate housing allowance, ECA said.

在当前全球经济低迷之际,跨国公司可能寻求削减外派补贴,但ECA指出,亚洲只有为数不多的城市能够为外派员工提供良好生活品质,多数城市仍对外派员工构成挑战,因此需要高额外派补贴。Companies may be seeking to slash expat packages during the global economic downturn but ECA said only a handful of cities in Asia offer expatriate staff a good standard of living.

该算法使用等价类的方式将原有问题分解为子问题,这样,每一个等价类可独立地在主存中得以处理。ECA utilizes Equivalence Class method to decompose the original problem into smaller sub-problems---Equivalence Classes, that can be independently solved in main-memory of computer.