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第一次浆板&跑步参赛者!The first ever SUP & Run Biathlon constestants!

与国外相比我国枪支管理制度也是影响我国冬季两项运动发展的一个因素。China's strict gun control system restrict the development of China's Biathlon etc.

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滑雪名手高山滑雪、高山滑降和高山回转、自由式滑雪、越野滑雪和现代冬季两项比赛。Skiing includes of the alpine events, downhill and slalom, freestyle, cross-country and biathlon.

不管是越野跑,爬山,夜跑,两项铁人或公路接力,一个新的尝试意味着新的个人最好成绩。Whether it's a trail run, hill climb, midnight run, biathlon or road relay, a new event means a new personal best.

未知的运动员的竞争,在女子4x6在伊布冬季两项世界杯12月13公里的上菲尔岑,奥地利接力。An unknown athlete competes during the women's 4x6 km relay in the IBU Biathlon World Cup December 13 in Hochfilzen, Austria.

所有这些项目都需穿着滑雪板并使用滑雪杖来保持平衡以推动前行,而现代冬季两项比赛刚需要携带步枪射击目标。All of these require wearing skis and using poles for balance and propulsion, with the biathlon requiring a rifle for shooting targets.

在本次冬奥会上人们看到乌克兰女子冬季两项小组险胜俄罗斯小组所赢得的具有象征意义的金牌。Some people saw symbolic value in the gold medal won by the Ukrainian women's biathlon team at the Winter Olympics, edging out the Russian squad.

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俄罗斯的伊万Tcherezov领导期间在冬季两项世界杯赛10公里的冲刺奥伯霍夫2011年1月7日德国滑雪胜地竞争的包。Russia's Ivan Tcherezov leads the pack during the 10km sprint competition at the Biathlon World Cup in the German ski resort of Oberhof January 7, 2011.

挪威的托拉博拉在于伯杰在终点后抵达期间在冬季两项世界杯Anterselva,意大利2011年1月23日开始大规模一十二点五公里在雪地上。Norway's Tora Berger lies on the snow after arriving at the finish during the 12.5km mass start at the Biathlon World Cup in Anterselva, Italy January 23, 2011.

法国的玛丽洛尔布吕竞争在女子冬季两项4x6公里接力在温哥华冬季奥运会于2010年2月23日在惠斯勒奥林匹克公园。France's Marie Laure Brunet competes in the women's Biathlon 4x6 km relay at the Whistler Olympic Park during the Vancouver Winter Olympics on February 23, 2010.

采用文献资料法、问卷调查法和数据统计法对2009年大冬会单板滑雪、冬季两项和冰球志愿者英语培训进行研究。By the method of document, questionnaire and statistics, authors study on the english training for the Snowboarding, Biathlon and Ice Hockey volunteers of 2009 Winter Universiade.

冬季运动会比赛的规定项目有高山滑雪、跳台滑雪、越野滑雪、北欧两项、冰球、短道速滑、速度滑冰、花样滑冰和冬季两项。The Winter Universiade consists of compulsory sports Alpine skiing, nordic skiing composed of jump, cross country & com-bined, ice hockey, short track, speed skating, figure skating, biathlon.

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冬季两项是由越野滑雪和射击两部分组成的特殊周期性项目,我国优秀冬季两项选手在滑行速度训练潜力的挖掘是有限的,所以缩短射击时间、提高射击命中率是提高选手成绩的必要条件。The biathlon consists of the shooting and langlauf. Our elite biathlon advance the sliding speed limitedly. It is necessary for them to shorten the shooting time and to improve the shoot straight.