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MFH的细胞起源目前仍有争议。The cell origin of MFH remains controversial.

方法回顾性分析21例恶性纤维组织细胞瘤患者的临床资料。Methods Clinical data of 21 cases of MFH were retrospectively analyzed.

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最后的确定诊断有赖于组织病理切片以及免疫萤光染色等检查。Final diagnosis of MFH was achieved based on histopathology and immunohistochemical stains.

发生于软组织者表现为非特异性肿块,邻近骨正常或受累。MFH in the soft tissue appeared as a nonspecific mass, adjacent bone was normal or involved.

除3例外,MFH细胞对肌源性标记,神经源性标记和上皮性标记均阴性。Except in 3 cases, all MFH cells were negative for myogenic, neurogenic and epitheliogenic markers.

肺原性MFH表现为一边绿清晰,有离心性钙化之大肿块。A large, well-defined mass density with eccentric amorphous calcifications was seen in the pulmonary MFH.

后腹膜及头颈部之MFH为巨大,有侵袭性之肿瘤,且常侵犯邻近器官。MFH of the retroperitoneum, head and neck were large, invasive tumors with destruction of adjacent structures.

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结论MFH影像学表现具有一定特征性,X线平片、CT和MRI结合有助于本病的诊断和鉴别诊断。Combined utilization of plain X-ray, CT, and MRI is helpful for the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of MFH.

MFH治疗的选择是手术切除,但化疗及放疗对该病的作用目前尚不清楚。The treatment of choice for MFH is surgical resection, while the role of chemo- and radiotherapy remains unclear.

结论肝胰恶性纤维组织细胞瘤的CT表现缺乏特征性,术前定性诊断困难。Conclusion There was no characteristic CT manifestation in hepatic and pancreatic MFH and the diagnosis was difficult to determine its nature before operation.

恶性纤维组织瘤是一种富侵犯性且深部多形性肉瘤,经常合并有代表不良预后的高复发率及远处转移机率。MFH is an aggressive, deep-seated pleomorphic sarcoma with a high local recurrence rate and significant metastatic rate usually associated with a poor prognosis.

此外,它具有操作简便,易于推广,创伤小,恢复快,不留疤痕等优点,为攻克颌面、口腔部血管瘤提供了有效方法。It also has the superiorities of simple, less injury, quick recovery, with no scar left and easy to be spread, therefore, it provides an effective method for curing MFH.

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方法对3例MFH的临床资料、病理学表现、免疫组化表型和术后随访情况进行分析并复习文献。Methods The clinical data, pathologic characteristics, immunophenotype and postoperative follow-up of 3 cases of MFH were analyzed, and available literatures were reviewed.