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飞机以那种速度飞行时开始解体。At that speed the plane began to disintegrate.

到了公元180年,罗马帝国开始瓦解。By 180 AD, the Roman Empire began to disintegrate.

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一旦家庭解体,社会也就必定崩溃。Society must disintegrate once the family dissolves.

飞机以那么高速飞行也许会四分五裂。The plane would probably disintegrate at that high speed.

挤压出来的塑料卷曲物在成形后不能再分解。Extruded plastic curls will not disintegrate after forming.

瓦解之光和电刑的动画很好的显示了这一点。The electrocute and disintegrate videos show it pretty well.

即使桔子皮也需要很长时间才能被分解,而且不会有动物来吃。Even orange rinds are slow to disintegrate and not eaten by animals.

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借书时出示学生证或工作证,每次限借一本。Time had caused the old books to disintegrate into a pile of fragments.

不过,也有一些冰山会往北漂流到温带然后消融。Some icebergs, however, drift north to warmer climates and disintegrate.

“感觉它太脆了,”她说,“这东西不会冻裂吗?”"It feels so flimsy, " she said. "Wouldn't this thing just disintegrate?"

如果缺少性的满足使你不完备,那么找一个对手去。If lack of sex is going to disintegrate you, then go out and have a love-affair.

正如婚姻的破裂,加里摇摇欲坠的小屋也开始瓦解。As the marriage breaks down, Gary’s ramshackle building begins also to disintegrate.

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液化部位玻璃体结构解体,形成充满液体的空隙。Disintegrate of structure of liquefacient place vitreous body, form fill liquid gap.

我做了一系列衣服,能在水中或者在有汗的身体上分解。I made a series of garments that disintegrate in water – or on the body, with sweat.

陶器不会像金属那样被腐蚀,也不会像木材或者衣物那样被腐坏。The pottery does not corrode like metal and will not disintegrate like wood or cloth.

战国时期宗法制大家族进一步瓦解,人的流动更加的轻易。Patriarchal system in Warring states period disintegrate further, people flow more easily.

眼魔经常用它们的解离射线雕刻自己的地底巢穴。Beholders usually carve out underground lairs for themselves using their disintegrate rays.

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我们需要可以在丢弃后数周内即被生物降解的材料。We need biodegradable products that if dumped, will simply disintegrate within a few weeks.

这里给出的答案是“高到在牛排落回锅里摔成碎肉之前的高度。”The answer, it turns out, is "high enough that it would disintegrate before it hit the ground."

举例来说,它可以只解离掉目标身躯的骨骼而保留头骨不受损。The creature could, for example, disintegrate only a target's skeleton, leaving its skull untouched.