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国务委员唐家璇参加会见。State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan attended the meeting.

当地一名议员表示,他希望这样的状况一直保持下去。A local councilor said he wants it to stay that way.

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国务委员唐家璇出席了午餐会。State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan was present at the meetings.

请稍坐,琼斯政务委员即刻就见你。Take a seat please, Councilor Jones will see you in a moment.

今天下午戴秉国国务委员也将会见他。This afternoon, State Councilor Dai Bingguo will meet with him.

国务委员唐家璇出席会议并致辞。State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan attended and addressed the seminar.

国务委员称应加强对海外留学生的素质教育。State councilor stresses quality education for overseas students.

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军师吴用派施七俺出席这个问题。Military councilor Wu Ying sent Shi Qian to attend to this matter.

他成为了议员,而且成了伯吉斯家族的一员。He became a councilor and sat as a member of the House of Burgesses.

国务委员唐家璇等参加了会见。State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan and other officials attended the meeting.

国务委员兼国防部长梁光烈参加会见。State Councilor & Defense Minister Liang Guanglie attended the meeting.

国务委员陈至立参加了开幕式,并评价说这是一次“激动人心”的盛会。State Councilor Chen Zhili toured the fair and described it as"exciting".

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国务委员唐家璇等中方陪同人员参加会谈。State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan and other Chinese companions attended the talks.

国务委员唐家璇等会见时在座。State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan and other officials were present at the meeting.

国务委员唐家璇等中方陪同人员参加会见。State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan and other Chinese companions attended the meeting.

据该电视台的报道,加利利是应中国国务委员戴秉国的邀请前往的。According to Press TV, Jalili was invited by Chinese State Councilor Dai Bingguo.

国务委员戴秉国、外交部长杨洁篪等会见时在座。State Councilor Dai Bingguo and Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi attended the meeting.

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唐家璇国务委员也就妥善处理此案多次作出指示。State Councilor also made several instructions on how to properly handle the case.

县委委员在一墟落市肆的柜台边遇到了管帐师。The county councilor encountered the accountant at the counter of a countryside shop.

其间,戊己首次参加议会,感到孤立无助。In the meantime, Wuji attends his debut councilor meeting, but he feels lonely indeed.