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当下小说远离了文学应有的崇高。Nowadays, novels go far away from the sublimity.

他发出的每一个声音都充满着悲怅和崇高。Every word he uttered was full of pathos and sublimity.

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在恋爱和痛苦中的心灵是处在卓绝的状态中。The soul which loves and suffers is in a state of sublimity.

崇高思想是席勒美学理论的重要组成部分。Shiller's view of sublimity is an important part of his aesthetic theory.

古希腊的修辞学家朗吉驽斯把崇高归结为一种文体风格。Longinus a rhetorician of ancient greece describes sublimity as a style of writing.

在反思的反思之后,需要进而倡导“化境”的追求,以促进美学学科的健康发展。Bedises, we need propose further pursuit of "sublimity" to promote development of aesthetics.

您是我们的主人!主啊,您是如此的强大!您拥有庄严与崇高!对于我们来说。You Who is our Owner! And You, You are Mighty! You possess grandeur and sublimity ! As for us.

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它是一种有用的方法让你和天然的审美家交流,使你沾染崇高的灵光。It is the powerful vehicle of making communion with the natural aesthete and halo of sublimity.

现在让我把曾说过的关于词汇的崇高的话,馈赠给那些富于内在洞察力的人。And now let what I have said about the sublimity of words suffice for those with innate discernment.

作为现代精神传统的“竞争”体现在美学上就是崇高。Strife, one of the Chinese modern spirit traditions, makes sublimity as its counterpart in aesthetics.

27对汤姆流利的书写、响亮的内容,哈克贝利心悦诚服。Huckleberry was filled with admiration of Tom's facility in writing, and the sublimity of his language.

我们怀念汉朝,更多的是怀念一种曾经有过的精神和气势。We deeply cherish the memory of the Han Dynasty but eve more of the well-established spirit and sublimity.

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第二章是分析梁实秋古典主义倾向的文艺思想。The second chapter is to analyze tendencies of classic of Liang Shi Qiu's Literary Thought about sublimity.

在中西近代美学史上,相继出现了崇高这一审美范畴。The concept of "Sublimity" appeared successively as a category of aesthetics in Chinese and western history.

尽管google创始人有着宏伟的想法,但是google的首席执行官施密特却对在过去的六年拒绝予以实施。But despite the sublimity of their aspirations, Eric Schmidt, Google's chief executive, said no for six years.

第三章是分析梁实秋对崇高文艺思想的发展和其不足。Chapter III Analysis of Liang was mainly Literary Thought of the sublimity of development and its shortcomings.

灵魂的崇高是无法蔚成风气的。高远的思想,高尚的情感,从来就和者乏人。In sublimity of soul there is no contagion. High thoughts and high emotions are by their very existence isolated.

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特聘香港名厨主理,正宗粤菜,让您感观盛宴,彰显皇家气质。Famous Hongkong chefs are hired to make authentic Cantonese dishes so that you can enjoy royal sublimity at the feast.

在艺术、文学和宗教领域里,一些人显示了一种崇高的感情,它使人们懂得人类是值得保全的。In art and literature and religion, some men have shown a sublimity of feeling which makes the species worth preserving.

在艺术、文学和宗教领域,许多人展现了一种崇高的情感,这些崇高情感让人类这个种族是值得保全的。In art and literature and religion, some men have shown a sublimity of feeling which makes the species worth preserving.