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天啊蛋蛋!Gosh gooly gee.

Gee指出这是根本所在。This, Gee says, is fundamental.

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天,不会是咖啡的原因“"Gee. It couldn't be the coffee."

很难再让人啧啧称奇。It's hard to say "gee whiz" anymore.

复杂度是多少呢?What's the complexity of this? Well, gee.

检查下变量。iters left And what this is saying is, gee.

哗,你的盘子里几乎没什么东西。Gee. You've hardly got anything on your tray.

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牙医说,哎呀,我不知道,我去看看我的记录。The dentist said gee I don't know I'll look at my records.

唧!我要去不同的商店买独一无二的服装。Gee ! I'll shop in different stores for the most unique costume.

唉,自从上星期她到棕榈泉后我就没见过她了。Gee I haven't seen Mary since she went to Palm Springs last week.

作者是一名初院学生·叶琦保译。The writer is a Junior College student. Translated by Yap Gee Poh.

,我要做成员检查,我要做查找,这就很简单了,给了即定的表示和一些值,我只需要说喂在那儿吗?Given that representation and some value, I just say gee is it there?

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“这些新数字突出了此问题的全球规模,”Gee说。“These new figures highlight the global scale of the problem,” Gee says.

唉,自从上星期她到棕榈泉后我就没见过她了。啊,你好,玛丽。Gee I haven't seen Mary since she went to Palm Springs last week. Ah, hello Mary.

职业募捐者希瑟吉意识到,找到自己的兴趣所在后会去去关注它。Professional fundraiser Heather Gee realized that finding her interests gave her focus.

如果在房间里没有人听到你在激动地惊叫,那么这些惊人的技术又有什么用呢?。What good is all this gee-whiz technology if there's no one in the room to hear you exclaim, "Gee whiz"?

这个卖一匹马价的婴儿就是乔治。华盛顿。卡沃,他后来成为世界上最伟大的科学家。The baby who was traded for a horse was Gee Washington Carver, who became one of the world's greatest scientists.

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天哪,老板对不起,我迟到了0分钟。我来的时候被堵在一行被车河制造者搞出来的长车队里了。Gee boss, I'm very sorry that I'm 10 minutes late, but I was in a long line of cars stuck behind this parade maker.

我能让妳完全属于我,不论白昼或夜晚,都能亲吻妳那醉人的双唇。唯一的困扰是,天啊,我的一生就在做白日梦中消逝。I can make you mine, taste your lips of wine anytime, night or day. Only trouble is, gee whiz, I'm dreamin' my life away.

在最后,根据这些原因与不足,作者给出了建议以提高西安交通大学英语专业的研究生入学考试。At last, based on the reasons and drawbacks, the researcher gave some suggestions to improve GEE for English majors in Xi'an Jiaotong University.