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土布是一种织得粗糙的布。Homespun is a cloth of coarse weave.

又一次地,我们见到了质朴和高科技的组合。Once again, we have the same mix of homespun and high tech.

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以成龙的朴素智慧,其前进方向也很简单明了。In the homespun wisdom of Jackie Chan, the way forward is simple.

高中时,迈克朴质的诙谐引起了良多笑声。At high school, mike's homespun humour was the cause of much laughter.

高中时,迈克朴素的幽默引起了很多笑声。At high school, mike’s homespun humour was the cause of much laughter.

生活富裕的妇女们宁愿身穿自纺的外套也不愿意购买进口货。Wealthy women, for example, wore homespun coats rather than buy imports.

他瞄了一眼条棉布衫和破旧西装外套,然后大声说,“一栋楼!He glanced at the gingham dress and homespun suit, then exclaimed, "A building!"

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她的最佳状态咸甜美的声音,动作自信从民谣到俱乐部轨道土布推土机。Kidjo, her salty-sweet voice in top form, moves confidently from ballad to club track to homespun earthmover.

和泰国一样,越南政府在不同工艺品的基础上,提高了“工艺村”的专业化。Vietnam's government, like Thailand's, has been promoting "craft villages" specializing in homespun products.

舒适的垫子套和灯罩采用粗口径纱线编织设计,为简朴的室内装饰增添了另类怪异的气息。Heavy-gauge yarns are knitted into cosy cushion covers and lampshades for a quirky take on homespun interiors.

也许正是这种敏感、尚和朴实的交融使她成为如此受影迷欢迎的女演员。Perhaps it is that mix of the vulnerable, the stylish and the homespun which makes her such a fans' favourite.

也许正是这种敏感、时尚和朴实的交融使她成为如此受影迷欢迎的女演员。Perhaps it is that mix of the vulnerable, the stylish 7 and the homespun which makes her such a fans' favourite.

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土布文化作为黄河文化的重要代表,它的发展是黄河文化的见证。Homespun culture as important on behalf of the Yellow River, its development is the testimony of the Yellow River culture.

通过选择朴素的莎拉·佩林作为竞选伙伴,麦凯恩强调了奥巴马与美国乡村和西部的疏远。In choosing the homespun Sarah Palin as his running mate, Mr McCain emphasised Mr Obama's distance from country-and-western America.

他不穿考究的正装,仅是随意地戴着早年在加拿大旅行时的帽子,感觉就像是卢梭用旧了的帽子一样,衬托了他的美德和修养,而眼镜则象征了智慧。The cap, like that worn by Rousseau, served as his badge of homespun purity and virtue, just as his ever present spectacles became an emblem of wisdom.

但是出于对传统的依恋,正宗的手织粗布尽管价格不菲,依然为人们所钟爱。But stemming from to the tradition the dependence, the orthodox school hand weaves the homespun cloth to be freely expensive, still cherishes for the people.

乱翻,应该是“虽然许多中国的平民英雄是政府宣传机器的产物,右二哥哥的成名显然是完全来自民间的。”While many of China's homespun heroes are the creation of the Government's propaganda machine, second right brother's celebrity appears to be entirely organic.

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莎士比亚在他的悲剧中经常安排一些小丑、傻瓜或头脑简单的人物插科打诨,使观众得到片刻轻松的场面。Shakespeare, in his tragedies, often includes a few short scenes where the antics and conversation of jesters , simpletons, or homespun wits provide comic relief.

伯克希尔-哈撒伟的年报包含一封密切观察的“至投资者的信”,该信由巴菲特亲自操刀,并被人们认为是质朴智慧与独到市场见解的结晶。Berkshire Hathaway's annual report contains a closely observed "letter to shareholders", written by Buffett, which is a mixture of homespun wisdom and market savvy.

伯克希尔-哈撒伟的年报包含一封密切观察的“至投资者的信”,该信由巴菲特亲自操刀,并被人们认为是质朴智慧与独到市场见解的结晶。Berkshire Hathaway’s annual report contains a closely observed “letter to shareholders”, written by Buffett, which is a mixture of homespun wisdom and market savvy.