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这些就是我们生活中讨厌的细节。These are the unwanted minutiae in our lives.

你的救星就是时时刻刻描述那些细枝末节。Your salvation lies in a moment-by-moment recounting of the minutiae.

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将两步处理得到的信号进行合成,得到最后的处理结果。At last, the major signal and the minutiae were added to get the denoised image.

以一个细节点和它的4个最近邻域细节点所组成的拓扑图,构造出一种局部结构。The local structure is constructed by a minutia and its 4-nearest neighborhood minutiae.

读者也未必会像作者一样对发展外交中的诸多细节有偌大的兴趣。Readers will not necessarily share his fascination with the minutiae of development diplomacy.

特征的匹配是判别不同指纹图像特征点数据的匹配程度。In image minutia matching, we get the matching level according to the sum of matching minutiae data.

他研究自然的细节——海洋吸附甲壳动物的外壳、花朵的雌蕊——但都服务于宏观的主题。He examined the minutiae of nature — shells of barnacles, pistils of flowers — but worked on grand themes.

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这一研究非常清楚地展示的仅仅是我们对社会互动过程中的一些芝麻琐事是多么地敏感。What this study demonstrates very neatly is just how sensitive we are to the minutiae of social interactions.

甚至对那些没有花数年时间研究金融市场细节的读者而言,它也是可以读懂的。And it would be accessible, even to readers who have not spent years studying the minutiae of the financial markets.

需要揭示的细节通常隐藏并令人混淆地固守在那些框线背后。Minutiae that need to be flushed out are often left hidden, and confusingly intrinsic, behind those boxes and lines.

使其特别之处是它热情、大方、公然快乐地拥抱了中产阶级生活琐碎。What makes it special is its exuberant, big-hearted, unabashedly joyful embrace of the minutiae of daily middle-class life.

但专家说,这种政策是否违反WTO规则的问题,将由国际贸易法的细节而定。But the question of whether the policy violates WTO rules will hinge on the minutiae of international trade law, experts say.

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本文在指纹的分类、指纹的中心定位、指纹的特征匹配三个阶段进行了探讨。This paper discusses the AFIS from fingerprint classification, fingerprint core automatic seek and fingerprint minutiae matching.

利用纹路的频率和块方向信息对细节点的位置和方向进行重新调整以增加匹配的可靠性。Using this model, the position and direction of the minutiae can be readjusted and thus the performance of the matching can be enhanced.

但大多数男男女女却陷入于日常的琐事中,他们努力奋斗只是为了继续生存下去,而不能尽情享受活着的美妙。But most men and women are so bogged down with the day-to-day minutiae of striving to survive they do not savor the wonders of being alive.

它就像是一本旧地理书,充满了有趣的细节,别墅和蜈蚣,罐装食品,举止庄严的喇嘛,寂静,和迷惑。It reads like an old Geographic, rich in the delightful minutiae of bungalows and centipedes, tinned goods, portly lamas, silence and wonder.

对于普罗富莫先生,这位前麦肯锡顾问,来说,这一切足够了吗?他一直以来热衷于讨论未来的宏伟蓝图,却很少愿意提到银行业的种种坑脏细节。Will that suffice for the ex-McKinsey consultant who talks animatedly about the big picture, but far less so about the grubby minutiae of banking?

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Twitter曾被批评为一个“浪费时间的垃圾”,一种人们每次用140个字符与朋友交流生活中鸡毛蒜皮小事的途径。Twitter has been criticized as a time-waster – a way for people to inform their friends about the minutiae of their lives, 140 characters at a time.

为提高细节点的精度,给出一种在原始灰度指纹图像上进行细节点后处理验证的方法。To improve the accuracy of minutiae, a new minutiae post-processing method based on the analysis of initial grayscale fingerprint image is presented.

硅谷的技术专家喜欢说,他们如何颠覆了我们日常生活的方方面面,从交通出行到分享家人照片的方式。Silicon Valley technologists love to explain how they have disrupted the minutiae of daily life, from our commutes to the ways we share family photos.