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都快烦死我了。It's really irritating.

我四倍伤心,因为你不再是我的谁谁谁。Yah , i'm fcuking irritating to you.

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一个嚣张的贱种。One irritating little son of a bitch.

不过,它们嘶鸣起来也会令人恼火。Still their neigh can be very irritating.

没有一件事比苦等爽约的人更令人气恼的了。Nothing is more irritating than being stood up.

失之恼人恨,得之还是惊。Lose of irritating hate, get it still surprised.

怎么对付飞机上恼人的邻座How to Handle Irritating Seatmates on an Airplane

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他有边吃饭边抽烟那让人讨厌的习惯。He has the irritating habit of smoking during meals.

哦!那种刺耳的咳嗽声,多么使人心烦!Oh, that irritating cough! How it gets on one's nerves.

还是激怒小孩这件事?最后一个怎么样?Or the irritating of children? What about the last one?

醋也帮助我们祛除那些烦人的臭味。It also helps remove those odors that can be irritating.

氰氨化钙是毒性物质,对皮肤有刺激性。Calcium cyanamide is poisonous and irritating to the skin.

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她总是嗲声嗲气的,有时挺烦的。Her being coquettish all the time is sometimes irritating.

但是它们烦人的嗡嗡声有着比闹人耳朵更多的意义。But there's more to their irritating whine than meets the ear.

他有个恼人的习惯,老在屋子里不成调地唱歌。He had an irritating habit of singing tunelessly about the house.

而且我的电脑有点旧了,每次系统自动更新重启,这个过程都会变得极具刺激性。It gets old. Rebooting for every update gets a little irritating.

挠鼻子,这个习惯真让人不舒服。He has this irritating mannerism of constantly scratching his nose.

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他那些气人的方式可能是在伪装深层次的心理问题。His irritating ways are likely to mask deep psychological problems.

虽然这个功能很有用,但你可能会觉得它很烦。While this is auseful feature, some of you might find it irritating.

近地面,二氧化硫是令人讨厌的,能诱发哮喘和皮肤瘙痒症。On the ground, it's a nuisance, triggering asthma and irritating skin.