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米老鼠有票。Mickey has tickets.

我有米老鼠洗发精。I have Mickey Mouse shampoo.

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米奇想要亲米妮.Mickey wants to kiss Minnie.

唐老鸭让米奇弹上一曲.Donald hops Mickey can play it.

布鲁托和米老鼠喜爱旅游。Pluto and Mickey love to travel.

它是一只老鼠,它的名字叫米奇。It's a mouse. Its name is Mickey.

我是米奇班的王梓叡。I'm Wang Zirui. I'm in Mickey Class.

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回到米老鼠俱乐部,怎样?But back to The Mickey Mouse Club. How?

米妮让米奇打开礼物.Minnie asks Mickey to open his present.

高飞扔球,米奇击球。Goofy throws the ball and Mickey hits it.

这件木工活做得很粗糙。The carpentry work was just mickey mouse.

米老鼠是我最喜欢的动画人物。Mickey mouse is my favorite cartoon character.

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米奇亮着荭灯说。Mickey said that the red light is illuminated.

对我而言,米奇老鼠是独立的象征。Mickey Mouse is, to me, a symbol of independence.

我尽力想象着米基·曼特尔戴着一件围裙。I tried to imagine Mickey Mantle wearing an apron.

米老鼠开始是又丑又小的噬齿动物。Mickey Mouse starts off as an ugly, little rodent.

为什么?老鼠很可爱呀。难道你不喜欢米老鼠吗?Why? Mouse is lovely. Don`t you like Mickey Mouse?

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你觉得卡通电影“米老鼠和唐老鸭”如何?How do you like the cartoon film "Mickey And Mouse"?

不过首要的是,推销米奇要与销售游戏相关。But above all, the Mickey push is about selling games.

米基·洛克将饰演大反派。Mickey Rourke plays the lightning-bolt hurling villain.