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提出的结构可以应用于实现PFC的无源无损吸收。It can also be used for passive lossless snubber in PFC.

论文还研究了平均电流型PFC电路。The thesis also analyzes the average current type of PFC.

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PFC认为,伊朗所需要的油价水平和沙特阿拉伯差不多。PFC believes Iran's price threshold to be similar to Saudi Arabia's.

文章讨论了一种带有ZVZCS的单级PFC半桥变换器。The paper discussed a half-bridge converter of single-stage PFC with ZVZCS.

前额叶皮质受损最常见的原因是车祸造成的脑部损伤。PFC damage is traumatic brain injury such as what occurs in automobile accidents.

随着“3C”认证的实施,变频家电面临着必须提高功率因数,以满足国家规定的谐波要求。With the implement of the 3C, inverter home appliances are facing to must be PFC.

给出了HT-7U用炭基面对等离子体材料的主要结果。The primary results about carbon based materials for PFC of the HT 7U are presented.

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该软件包的开发,为研究APFC算法提供了一条有效的途径。An effective way for research of PFC is given by the development of APFC software package.

让人费解的是人们为何要泄露机密材料。What’s not so obvious is why people leak confidential material. We have yet to hear from Pfc.

与常规PFC相比,基于这种新拓朴的变换器不含整流桥。The new PFC converter without rectifier bridge based on new topology is compared with conventional PFC.

事务委员会与警察评议会职方及政府当局的代表举行会议。The Panel met with representatives of the Police Force Council Staff Side PFC Staff Side and the Administration.

介绍了PFC的基本原理,推导了一阶加纯滞后系统PFC算法。The basic principles of PFC are introduced, and PFC algorithm for first-order plus dead-time system is delivered.

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本研究显示国内IBS病人中枢内脑岛皮质、额前皮质可能是参与内脏感觉的主要部位。In this study, IC and PFC of the IBS patients are the major positions in the CNS processing of visceral perception.

本文针对无源PFC和有源PFC做出了详细的介绍,特别针对有源PFC的类型、控制方式着重介绍。This paper made a detailed introduction of passive and active PFC, especially the type and control mode of active PFC.

基于常用的L6561芯片,设计了宽输入输出范围的400瓦金属卤化物灯电子镇流器功率因数校正电路。Base on chip L6561, a PFC preregulator for 400W metal halide lamp ballast is designed with wide input and output range.

功率因数校正电容器的无功电流提供平等和对面的大感应电流线圈的绘制工作。The PFC capacitor provides reactive current flow equal and opposite to the large inductive current drawn by the work coil.

现在国内外正在开发研究单级功率因数校正电路,具有很高的功率因数,且成本低。Recently, internal and overseas investigators are developing single-stage PFC circuit, which has higher PF and lower price.

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单相PFC电路以其结构简单,控制方便等特点,广泛应用于通讯电源、UPS等设备中。Single-phase PFC circuit is widely used in communication power, UPS and other devices with its simple structure and control.

站在它后面从左至右分别是二等兵路易斯·罗宾斯,长岛训犬师和波多黎各一等兵胡安·格托斯以及同样来自波多黎各的一等兵卡洛斯·罗德里格斯。With him left to right, are Private Louis Robbins, dog trainer of Long Island City, Pfc. Juan Gotos of Puerto Rico, and Pvt.

最后,在模型切换中引入权衡折中的思想,提出了多变量系统的多模型预测函数控制方法。Finally, with men'sdecision-making introduced in model switch, multi-model adaptive PFC strategy for MIMOsystem is presented.