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他是个盲人。He was blind.

蔚爱情是盲目的。Love is blind.

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他的信仰是盲目的。His faith is blind.

不要被恨意蒙蔽了双眼。Don't be hate blind.

那个裁判几乎是瞎了眼。That referee is blind.

请把窗盖拉下。Please close the blind.

那人有一只眼瞎了。The man has a blind eye.

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我是谁,是瞎子吗?Who Am Iand To Be Blind?

我恨死这盲人。I hate this blind people.

你们这瞎眼领路的有祸了。Woe to you, blind guides!

但是公牛其实是色盲。But bulls are color blind.

恋爱中的人都是盲目的。Everbody in love is blind.

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我决不能看不到她的缺点。I never was blind to hers.

在这片盲聋的大地上。In this blind bitter land.

我婶婶那时已经瞎了。My aunt was blind by then.

瞎了眼睛的鸟也都是转着圈飞的。Blind birds fly in circles.

我们知道了那个盲传教士。We have the blind preacher.

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盲人有敏锐的触觉。The blind have a keen touch.

他们将会是听障和视障人士。They will be deaf and blind.

你的骄傲蒙蔽不了上帝!Your pride cannot blind God!