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但是再过一至两个星期的时间,蓝色会渐渐的出现。And after a further one to three weeks the blueness appears.

宝宝的屁股和腰部之间为什么总是青的?。Why blueness always is between the buttock of darling and waist?

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我要是不加上这句话又有人该说我是愤青了。If I do not impose this sentence someone should say I am anger blueness.

检查嘴唇看是否是紫色的,这些迹象可以表明伤者是否窒息。Look inside the lips for any trace of blueness which might indicate asphyxia.

他被人从水中救起,因为他的脸和手足都变得发青。He was removed from the water with signs of blueness around face and extremities.

姹女呀,你的纯朴,如湖水之碧,表现出你的真理之艰深。maiden, your simplicity, like the blueness of the lake, reveals your depth of truth.

少女呀,你的纯朴,犹如湖水之蓝,表现出你对真理的深邃。Maiden, your simplicity , like the blueness of the lake, reveals your depth of truth.

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蓝色可以显示紫绀,如缺乏流通,可以是非常严重的。Blueness can indicate cyanosis such as from lack of circulation and can be very serious.

生活在这座城市的女主人公青青是一名超市收银员。The heroine green blueness that lives in this city is the member that a supermarket receives silver.

花色苷液泡包涵体的存在可增加液泡色彩的强度并导致“蓝化”。The emergence of AVI can enhance color intensity and results in the "blueness" of color in the vacuole.

病人昏倒呈昏迷状态,高烧,惊厥,皮肤苍白或呈青紫色。Patient faint shows narcosis , high fever, convulsions, the skin cadaverous or the purple that show blueness.

我要潜向海的深处穿过那些褶皱的石头和那些深色的水草,潜向那片深蓝,潜向那些正等着我的深色的鱼。I'm going deeper past the wrinkled rocks and dark seaweed toward a deep blueness where a school of silver fish wait.

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我要潜向海的深处穿过那些褶皱的石头和那些深色的水草,潜向那片深蓝,潜向那些正等着我的深色的鱼。I'm going deeper past the wrinkled rocks and dark seaweed toward a deep blueness where a school of silver fish wait.

后来小青与小龙女终于使仕林幡然悔改,决心救母。Small later blueness and small Long Nv make eventually Shi Linfan like that repentant, determination saves a parent.

然后听者根据他自己对蓝色的理解来破解你的话,再用他自己的密码传达给你。The listener then deciphers this according to his own reference of blueness and transmits it to you in his own cipher.

在火车即将发车之际,小青被叫下车,从此一对鸳鸯被拆开。When the train is about to send a car, small blueness is made get off, be ravelled to an affectionate couple from now on.

他那双眼睛并没有失明,永远蓝莹莹地在遥远的地方兄弟般地望着他。Pavel Korchagin's eyes had never lost their sight, and always watched him from the distance in a brotherly fashion with sparkling blueness.

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鸟儿,人们,蓝蓝的天空,漂浮的云彩,新鲜空气的气息,还有映照在你脸上的暖阳。The birds, the people, the blueness of the sky, the clouds floating along, the smell of the fresh air, the warmth of the sun on your cheeks.

对于这个舟式女人的生命来说,生命已经停止了,仅存的“蓝色的嘴唇”暴露出她真实的生命状态。For the bumboat woman life is suspended in the course of her business leaving only ‘a certain blueness of the lips’ to betray her true condition.

阿青获悉施丝自杀,即赶往其家,但见她在涂甲油,以为被戏弄,于是大骂,二人吵起来。A blueness know applies a suicide, drive toward its home namely, but see she is in Tu Jia is oily, think to be made fun of, tongue-lash then, 2 people are noisy rise.