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老师无法从学生口中得到任何答案。The teacher was unable to educe an answer from her pupils.

老师无法从学生口中得到任何谜底。The teacher was unable to educe an answer from her pupils.

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这一部分的作用是引出本文的重点,即行政允诺制度。The role of this part is to educe the focus of this article-administration commitment system.

通过对仿真结果分析比较,可以得出较理想的控制方案。We could educe the perfect control scheme from analyzing and comparing the simulation results.

经过三方面论述,本文得出新闻作品不仅要有新闻性,还需要具备审美特性的结论。By the above discuss, it educe a conclusion that journalistic writing also need aesthetic characteristics.

同时分析得出亲属容隐制度不具有刑法可罚性,符合了非犯罪化的世界潮流。Simultaneously we can educe that the relative concealment is not punishable according with the world trend.

这种方法会减少减少净负电荷,从而降低颗粒间的排斥力,如图1所示。The effect of this would be to educe the net negative charge and thus lower the repulsive force seen in Figure 1.

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本文对关于执行力的研究做出分类与分析,使执行力一词能被较全面地认识与理解。The essay makes some categorization and analysis. Therefore educe new and comprehensive annotations of executive ability.

从而得出既有线提速的一般性有指导意义的规律,供以后其他线路的提速做参考。Thereinafter educe universality guidance disciplinarian of exiting line raise speed, for other raise speed line reference.

由一错例引出了讨论导函数在分段点处的左、右极限与对应函数的左、右导数相等的分段函数在分段点处导数的一种求法。A false example is given to educe the discussion of a solution to the derivative of subsection function at the point of subsection.

引出了涉及投资的保险公司破产理论,对一般涉及投资的破产模型进行了扩展。This paper reviews the classical ruin theory at first. Then we educe the ruin theory with compounding assets and extend this theory.

最后应用克隆算法得出了优化的故障恢复策略,选择亲和力高的抗体并进行克隆。Clonal algorithm is adopted to educe optimized service restoration strategy, through selecting and clone antibody with high affinity.

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文章导出一种由两个中性的惰性气体原子之间的碰撞引起的电四极辐射几率。We educe a probability of the electric quadrupole emission of a photon induced by collision between two neutral atoms of inert gases.

在实际分析的过程中得出两种技术的优缺点,并将两种技术融合起来,各取所长是一个难点。In the process of practical analysis, it' s difficult to educe the advantages and disadvantages of two techniques and inosculate them.

由声表面波陀螺的基本原理以及原理公式推导声表面波陀螺的输出信号是频率电压信号。The output signal of SAW gyroscope is a voltage signal, concluded from the principle of SAW gyroscope and the principle formula educe.

在给定需求结构下,该模型可以确定一些系统平衡时的性能参数,诸如货车等待时间等。The model can educe a number of system performance measures at equilibrium, such as vacant truck movements, given customer O-D demand pattern.

该方法可以充分支持模具结构的变形设计,减少冲模CAD系统模具装配结构的分类,使得系统的开发结构更加清晰并易于实施。The method supports variant design of dies structurer, educe the catalog of dies CAD system, make the development of system easily and clearly.

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将Copula函数和马柯维茨模型最优化投资组合理论结合,给出了基于Copula函数的最优投资组合算法。And than combines Copula function and Markowitz model portfolio optimization theory, educe processes and procedures which determine the optimal portfolio.

据此,对我国公共服务市场化的抑制力和促进力作进一步分析,可以得出我国公共服务市场化改革的对策组合。Accordingly, the further analysis of the restraining force and the promoting force on the marketization of the public service in China can educe some count.

本文通过空间扰动位协方差函数特性,得出卫星重力梯度数据与引力位系数的相关协方差函数。Least Squares Collocation is used to educe the function that can directly compute gravitational potential coefficient by satellite gravity gradiometry data.