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据说他忌妒她。Allegedly he envies her.

他们的首次飞行是1934年。Their first flight was allegedly in 1934.

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据说他曾试图向一名同事求欢。He had allegedly tried to proposition a colleague.

继父用狗的电子项圈电击继女。Man allegedly shocks stepdaughter with dog collar.

其中一位住在俄亥俄州汉明顿,其他人住在马里兰州黑尔索普。The other allegedly lived in Halethorpe, Maryland.

这次车祸据说是由于疏忽造成的。The traffic accident was allegedly due to negligence.

在琼斯伯勒一位父亲谋杀了自己的女儿。A father in Jonesboro allegedly killed his own daughter.

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据称该照片是他和几个半裸女性的合影。The pictures allegedly contain images of semi-naked women.

据说,他们的后台老板坚持该间谍机构拥有这所房屋。Their handlers allegedly insisted the spy agency own the home.

但据传他是弃婴事件的同犯,现已将其拘留在案。Now he is under arrest for allegedly helping abandon the child.

据悉梅格?瑞恩对于丰唇和肉毒素注射特殊上瘾。Meg Ryan allegedly indulged in lip implants and Botox injections.

依其所述则用餐者就不必听到自己的尖叫声了。Allegedly so that diners don't have to listen to their own screams.

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依其申述,这是碟形的转换空间的时间机器。It allegedly was a saucer shape interdimensional time travel machine.

古普塔还涉嫌泄露了有关宝洁公司收益的信息。Gupta also allegedly leaked information about P&G's corporate earnings.

作为美军主要后勤基地的阿瑞坎军营据称被当做首要袭击对象。Camp Arifjan, allegedly the prime target, is a major U. S. logistics base.

以诺依其申述是与神同行,神把他变成了天使长。Enoch allegedly walked with God who turned him into the archangel Metatron.

利物浦最近看上了斯图加特前锋波格列布尼亚克。Liverpool are allegedly keeping tabs on Stuttgart striker Pavel Pogrebnyak.

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当地警方称他们已逮捕数名非法抢劫者。Police said they had already arrested several people for allegedly looting.

弗兰克说,经过审讯后,斯里克承认该伤口是他造成的。Upon questioning, Sliker allegedly admitted causing the injury, Derrigo said.

据新华社3日报道,吉林通化如家酒店纵火案的7名犯罪嫌疑人已全部被抓获。Police have caught all 7 suspects who allegedly set a Home Inns hotel on fire.