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在回教教堂内穿鞋子是亵渎神圣的。It is sacrilegious to wear shoes inside a mosque.

人们认为在圣诞节举行佳卡努,无疑是亵渎神灵。They thought it was sacrilegious to hold it on Christmas Day.

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我知道不应该穿星期天上教堂穿的衣服,那可能是一种亵渎。I knew I shouldn't put on a Sunday dress. It might be sacrilegious.

大多数的人将说我们是有罪孽的和是魔鬼这样说。Most people would say that we are sacrilegious and of the devil to say this.

连亵卖圣器的人也被杀死在圣库的近旁。As for the sacrilegious robber Lysimachus, they killed him near the treasury.

他的很多行为都与传统相反,别人眼中看上去是亵渎神灵。Many of his actions, contrary to all tradition, seemed sacrilegious to the people.

爱因斯坦已经晋升为一个神圣的偶像,连假设他会犯错听起来都有亵渎之虞。Einstein has become such an icon that it sounds sacrilegious to suggest he was wrong.

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我的建议非常的前卫,因为汽车制造商一直在进行偷偷摸摸的设计工作。My suggestion was sacrilegious because automakers have long been secretive about design.

说遵守这一习俗或法律是亵渎或非法必须被视为是一个错误。To say that the observance of this custom or law is sacrilegious or illicit must be regarded as erroneous.

像督流浪满宗教渎圣象异堕落游荡。Christlike vagrant wanders through a perverse and grotesque land filled with religious and sacrilegious imagery.

一个长得像基督的流浪汉在一个充满宗教和渎圣景象的怪异堕落之地游荡。Christlike vagrant wanders through a perverse and grotesque land filled with religious and sacrilegious imagery.

那些以这种方式亵渎神圣的人们定会遭到报应和处罚的,因为他们的武器将会被用来对付他们自己。Those who are thus sacrilegious will suffer and be punished , for their own weapons will be turned against them.

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在传统的尼泊尔社会,与不同种姓和民族通婚被认为是大逆不道、绝对不能接受的行为。In traditional Nepalese society it is considered sacrilegious and totally unacceptable to marry outside of your caste or ethnic group.

后来,该基金会还用来保护裴乐的环境、当地的火神以及岛上的火山,同时寻找当地可以利用的地热资源。The fund seeks to prevent desecration of Pele, the native goddess of fire and volcanoes, and finds geothermal energy projects sacrilegious.

可能这听起来有点对不起老天爷恩惠,但他在左路仍踢得仍非常不错,如果他选择不再为英格兰踢或踢边路,他会在那踢得很高兴。This may sound sacrilegious , but he is still very good on the wing, and if his choice was not playing, or playing wide, he would play there happily.

印度人认为我们美国不仅恶心还亵渎神灵因为吃牛肉。我们把狗当朋友,而他们认为牛是神圣的。People in india probably think we Americans are not only disgusting, but sacrilegious to eat beef. We treat dogs as friend, but they view cows as sacred.

将一个身著镣铐的人拖过自由的雄伟光辉的圣殿,叫他和你们一起高唱欢乐的圣歌,不啻是惨无人道的嘲弄和亵渎神明的讽刺。To drag a man in fetters into the grand illuminated temple of liberty, and call upon him to join you in joyous anthems, were inhuman mockery and sacrilegious irony.