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于是伯恩把库奇带了出来,让我们看一看。And Bourne brought out Cookie and we had a look.

也许在下个季度,万顺伯恩可以在这个基础上继续跟进。Perhaps next quarter, Vanson Bourne can follow up on this.

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我只有在拍神鬼疑云的时候做过一次。I've only ever done it the one time with The Bourne Supremacy.

他模糊地记得自己一定是像杰森伯恩一样的超级特工。He comes to the inaccurate conclusion that he must be a superspy like Jason Bourne.

我们将看到什么样的“最后通牒”成立的这种伯恩对原料和ECW在未来几周了。We'll see what kind of "ultimatum" this Bourne has in the coming weeks on Raw and ECW.

埃文伯恩有机会作出更大的海浪比他已经在周日的数码。Evan Bourne has a chance to make even bigger waves than he already has at Cyber Sunday.

据称,这封电邮出自卡罗琳·伯恩之手,她在信中警告继子的未婚妻没规矩。The email purportedly from Carolyn Bourne warned her stepson's fiancée about her poor etiquette.

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伯恩躲在印度,玛丽被杀,他伤心欲绝还受伤了,接着被俄罗斯特工连环追杀。Bourne hides India , Marie got killed , heartbroken and wounded , hotly pursued by Russian agents.

王氏的黄帝界定中国「种类」畛域之说,在晚清已成汉民族主义者之共识。The Yellow Emperor Wang's definition of China's "type" bourne says that he has become in the late Qing Han nationalists of the consensus.

虽然他想给我们只是一个'是'的问题,是否伯恩4仍然是他的议程,总干事是更令人生厌的绿区。Although he'd give us only a 'yes' to the question of whether Bourne 4 was still on his agenda, the director was more fulsome on Green Zone.

该款背包式发电装置由加利福尼亚马里布的伯恩能源公司研发而成,任何深度超过4英尺的河流均可用来产生清洁、安静的电力。Developed by Bourne Energy of Mailbu, California, the Backpack Power Plant can create clean, quiet power from any stream deeper than 4 feet.

的确,他在银行取出的红色包中的几个护照中发现了自己可能是什么身份,其中一个写着他叫伯恩。Indeed, he finds out who he may be by looking inside the red bag from the bank, where he finds several passports, one saying his name is Bourne.

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格林葛拉斯继去年震撼人心的「联航93」后,以这部「神鬼认证」系列完结篇再获好评,导演功力可见一斑。After the shocking "United 93, " Greengrass got great acclaimed once again by this finale of "The Bourne Trilogy. " His high directing skill is undeniable.

随后,Fletcher同Jones一起搬进了伦敦的洲际宾馆,并住了长达2个月之久,期间他们开始和Bourne一起合作写歌。Fletcher spoke to Jones afterwards and Jones and Fletcher moved into the Intercontinental Hotel in London for 2 months, and the two began writing songs along with Bourne.

我能想到布莱克一直奔忙于荧幕之上而且现在还努力成为像谍影重重那种类型的优秀演员,他已经完全沉浸在自己的事业中,但是无论如何他最终会得到回报的。I can just imagine Black runnign around the screen now trying to kick ass Bourne style, completely missing at every step, but somehow things work out for him in the end. Yawn.

在赫斯特寻找自己的真实身份的过程中,我们可以看到波恩的影子。然而在这系列的第四本作品中,维纳尔女士放弃了Ludlumesque技术,不再为了丰富角色的层次进行激烈的争论。There are echoes of Bourne in Hirst's quest for his own truth, but, in his fourth book, Mr Wignall forgoes the Ludlumesque technology and fancy fireworks in favour of richer characterisation.

在伯恩尼最近发表的三篇论文中,他提出了加拿大城市的旧城改造速度将会减缓的意见。他认为这是由于90年代中期市场供需和不耐久的经济复苏造成的。In three recent papers, Bourne has suggested that the rate of gentrification in Canadian cities will decline, for both demand and supply reasons, not withstanding economic recovery in the mid-1990s.