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在此担任出纳兼开票员一职。In this as cashier and Invoice Rapporteur.

寻求对这些立法进行司法审查的公共卫生组织最近与联合国健康权问题特别报告员联合了起来。recently joined by the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health.

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此访是联合国人权会酷刑问题特别报告员对中国的首次访问。It is the first time for UN Special Rapporteur on Torture to visit China.

联合国酷刑问题报告员已经访问中国一周了,请介绍他的访问情况。The UN Special Rapporteur on Torture has been in China on visit for a week.

联合国健康权特别报告员,印度孟买。d. United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health, Mumbai, India.

报告员走访了当地一些羁押场所,并与在押人员进行了交谈。The Rapporteur visited some local detention places and talked with detainees.

保管员的工作内容和性质与库管员是不同的。Custodians of the content and nature of work and Kuguan Rapporteur is different.

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以上信息将通过保险营销员信息管理系统向社会公布。More information will be passed Rapporteur Insurance Marketing Information Management System to the public.

同样亟待决定的是是否要提名一个特别报告员来观察伊朗境内的人权纠纷。Also imminent is a decision on whether to name a special rapporteur to look into human-rights abuses in Iran.

留难或阻止犯人的家属会见联合国关于酷刑折磨问题的大会报告起草人。Family members of prisoners were discouraged or prevented from meeting with the UN special rapporteur for torture.

联合国食品权力事务特别报告员,坚信投机者们推动了价格的浮动。Olivier de Schutter, UN rapporteur on the right to food, is in no doubt that speculators are behind the surging prices.

联合国人权理事会粮食权特别报告员舒特近日访华,请介绍相关情况。Please brief us on the recent visit by Olivier De Schutter, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food.

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前联合国在战俘虐待方面的记录着尼格尔·罗德里将巴林现状与北爱尔兰相比。Sir Nigel Rodley, a panellist who is a former rapporteur to the UN on torture, likened the situation to Northern Ireland.

这名官员认为,疫情暴发可能是由于受感染者进入夏令营传染给其他营员造成的。The official view that the outbreak may be due to infection from entering the camp to other camps Rapporteur transmitted caused.

虽然空务员是在飞机上为乘客服务的,相比机师,飞行员似乎没有什么技术含量。Although Air Services Rapporteur on airplanes for passenger service, compared to pilots, the pilots did not seem to be technical content.

我们相信一个独立的国家特派调查员来核对和分析人口贩卖的相关资料是最好的解决方法。We believe that collation and analysis of information by an independent national rapporteur on trafficking would be the best way forward.

寻求对这些立法进行司法审查的公共卫生组织最近与联合国健康权问题特别报告员联合了起来。Public health groups seeking a judicial review of this legislation were recently joined by the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health.

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墨西哥领先说服联合国在打击恐怖主义的同时,保持一名人权保护的专员。Mexico took the lead in convincing the United Nations to maintain a special rapporteur on protecting human rights while countering terrorism.

联合国人权会酷刑问题特别报告员诺瓦克先生是应中国外交部邀请,于11月21日至12月2日对华进行为期12天的访问。At the invitation of Chinese Foreign Ministry, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Nowak pays a 12-day visit to China from November 21st to December 2nd.

点名是模联委员会的第一个程序,其间会务报告人会大声读出委员会中每一个成员国的名称。Roll call is the first order of business in a Model UN committee, during which the Rapporteur reads aloud the names of each member state in the committee.