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二氧化碳一旦进入水中,就会发生反应形成碳酸。Once in the water, it reacts to form carbonic acid.

这些蛋白质叫做碳酸酐酶。The proteins are enzymes called carbonic anhydrases.

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湖南永州氧化锰,碳酸锰。Manganese, carbonic acid manganese in Yongzhou, Hunan.

上升的碳酸浓度使海水的酸度越来越高。A rising carbonic acid level means a more acidic ocean.

二氧化碳和水混合的结果是形成碳酸。Mix carbon dioxide with water and the result is carbonic acid.

矿石被放入窑里加热,蒸发掉水和碳酸气。The ore was heated in the kilns to drive off water and carbonic acid gas.

碳酸锂产品是重要的盐化工产品。Product of carbonic acid lithium is product of main saline chemical industry.

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1998年某些碳骑士们的得意忘形是非常的令人遗憾,那一年居高不下的数据已经证明,再继续下去的成本将高的难以维系。The over-enthusiasm of certain of the Knights Carbonic in 1998 was most regrettable.

还可吃一些水果,牛奶以及少量含碳酸气的饮料。Also eat some fruits, milk and a small amount of soft drinks containing carbonic acid gas.

通过碳酸氢铵发泡法发泡制得开孔改性脲醛树脂泡沫塑料。Gain Modified urea formaldehyde resin foam plastics by the carbonic acid hydrogen ammonia.

介绍了一氧化碳报警仪的工作原理、标定方法、使用及管理中应注意的事项。The working principle, calibration methods and usage of carbonic oxide alarms were presented.

表明抑制碳酸酐酶是速尿对内淋巴脱水的作用机理之一。It suggested that one of the dehydrant mechanisms is inhibition of carbonic anhydrase activity.

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地下岩石中碳酸水溶解产生的次生孔隙也是有限的。The dissolution by carbonic water to form the secondary porosity in subsurface is also limited.

通过碳酸,流动水形成了世界上大多数的洞穴。With a little help from this Carbonic acid moving water forms most of the world's limestone caves.

碳酸、香精和色素,长期大量饮用会有副作用,研究表明。Carbonic acid, essence and pigment, and long-term consumption can have side effects, research shows.

由特殊树脂,加上发泡剂、防火剂、成碳剂以及颜填料等组成。It consists of special resin, foaming agent fire-proofing agent, carbonic agent, pigment and filler.

综述了环糊精金属配合物用作模拟碳酸酐酶、水解酶、氧化还原酶的研究进展。The research progress in the mimicking of carbonic an hydrase, hydrolase and redox enzyme is reviewed.

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重点阐述了炭系受电弓滑板材料的种类和制备方法。The species and preparation methods of carbonic system pantograph strip materials are explained in detail.

这些研究者将碳酸酐酶基因编入到那些对高二氧化碳浓度没有反应的植物中。The researchers added carbonic anhydrase genes to plants that do not react to higher levels of carbon dioxide.

一小部份的碳酸和少量二氧化碳则不会解离,保持原状,留在溶液里。A small fraction of the carbonic acid remains in solution without dissociating, as does a little carbon dioxide.