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因此,我国刑法应增设诉讼欺诈罪,合理配置其法定刑。Consequently it is imminent to do criminological sutdies and add the crime of litigation fraud in the criminal law.

目的探讨精神分裂症患者和精神正常者凶杀案件犯罪学特征的差异性。Objective To explore the differences of criminological characteristics between schizophrenic and eunoia murder cases.

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犯罪学与犯罪学学科是不同的两种事物,二者的独立性条件不同。The criminology is different from the criminological subjects. The conditions that make them independently are different.

无被害人犯罪古已有之,但是作为一个专门的法律术语而纳入犯罪学研究领域却是晚近的事情。No-victim crime existed in ancient society, but until recent times it became a specialized legal terminology in criminological research.

为此,认清形势,努力进行犯罪学研究方法的探索和改革,成为当前实现犯罪学研究发展质的飞跃的关键。It is vital to see clearly the status quo and improve our approaches to criminology so as to make a qualitative of criminological research.

当前有些犯罪学研究者用歪曲的手段摘引经典著作,“改造”经典作家发表论著,误导读者。At present, some criminological researchers quote classics while twisting the author's meaning, "transform" classical works, and mislead readers.

目的探讨法医精神病学鉴定中精神障碍患者涉嫌暴力犯罪的犯罪学和人口学特征。Objective To explore the criminological characteristics and characteristics of demography of violent offenders in forensic psychiatry assessment.

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但这一调查必须以青少年犯罪的犯罪学因果关系的设立为前提。The investigation should be based on the confirmation of the criminological causality of juvenile delinquency which need some special conditions.

建立以“人格”为标准的犯罪学分类理论,应当成为犯罪学的发展方向。The establishment of criminological classification theory with the standard of " personality " should become a developing direction of criminology.

西方犯罪学三大流派有一个共同点,就是在其预防犯罪的理论中都特别强调对个人自由权利的保护。A common view shared by the three main schools of western criminological theorists casts special emphasis on protection of individual right of liberty.

从犯罪学的角度来说,这种做法由于对个人社会认同感的负面影响,也许事实上会导致更多的越轨或犯罪行为。From a criminological standpoint, it may actually cause more deviant or criminal behavior because of the negative effect on an individual’s social identity.

中国近代犯罪学是在学习和译介西方犯罪学经典著作的基础之上起步的。Like other subjects, in China the origination and development of modern criminology is based on translation of and learning from western criminological classical works.

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目的探讨人格障碍与精神分裂症患者凶杀行为的犯罪学特征及刑事责任能力评定的特点。Objective To explore the criminological characteristics and appraisal traits of capacity for responsibility in murder by patients with personality disorders and schizophrenics.

本文论述了龙勃罗梭犯罪学思想的内容、理论基础与在法学界的地位与影响。The author expounds the brief account of Lombroso s academic life and the condition of the researches about the Cesare Lombroso s criminological thought in the introductory remark.

传统的犯罪学理论认为控制犯罪就要消除产生犯罪的原因,但是,经过我国多年的实践来看,效果并不理想。Traditional criminological theory suggests that crime control is necessary to eliminate the cause of the crime, but, after our many years of practice, this result is not satisfactory.

刑罚个别化思想在西方犯罪学史上由来已久,并且对世界各国的刑事立法产生了重要影响。The idea of individualized penalty came into being long ago time in criminological history of the West and had an important effect on criminal legislation of many countries in the world.

信息技术与课程整合已成为各类教育课程改革最时髦的话题,对传统的刑事技术的教学提出了严峻的挑战。Information technology and curricular integration have been the most popular topic about the reform of various courses and challenge the traditional teaching of the criminological technology.