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那匹马不喜欢带眼罩。The horse dislike wearing blinkers.

我睁开眼睛时,你猜我看到了谁?As I opened my blinkers , guess who I saw?

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你知不知道在哪里可以找到「护目镜」?Do you know where can I find the blinkers ?

你为什么带着一个海盗的眼罩呀?。Jack, why are you wearing pirate's blinkers?

我们应该用新的眼光全面地考虑这个计划。We need to have a fresh look at the plan, without blinkers.

去掉那些耀眼的东西,从大局出发思考用户体验Take the blinkers off, and think about experiences as a whole

一旦汉斯戴上了马眼罩或看不到提问者,它的算术能力就消失了。With blinkers on or with the questioner hidden, Hans's abilities vanished.

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我的头发是灰色的,我正带着我的护目镜朝着在这个特别的日子里早起的人们驶去。My hair is gray, and I'm driving to the early bird special with my blinkers on.

正因为有新的桎梏一匹马,并不意味着将跑得快。Just because a horse has new blinkers does not mean that the horse will run faster.

布朗说英国必须建立超越双边主义的正常的合作联盟。Brown said the UK must now build coalitions "which go beyond the bilateral blinkers of the normal partners."

要消除猜疑心,首先要抛却成见,不要戴着有色眼镜看人。Should eliminate guess suspicion, should cast above all however prejudice, wearing blinkers to see a person.

只要我们以谦逊和实用主义的精神来应对这项任务,并摆脱意识形态的有色眼镜,我们就能够做到。We can do so, provided we approach the task in a spirit of humility and pragmatism, shorn of ideological blinkers.

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问题是现今数位单眼较小的感光元件就好像是在镜头上盖上马眼罩,枉费了镜头本有的影像圆滑度。The problem is that the DSLR's smaller image sensor puts horse blinkers on those lenses, wasting much of their available image circle.

如果经济学人的神棍们摘下他们的有色眼镜,重新审视发生的一切,可能还有机会影响到事件的发展,并赢得他们的好感。If only the preachers at the Economist could shed their blinkers and really understand what's going on, then they might have a chance to shape events more effectively, and to their favor.

只有当蒙蔽感情的东西被去除之后,我们才能看清楚。所以务必保证当你睁开眼,你是平静的并且有准备地接受事物的本来面目而非你的想象。We can only see clearly when our emotional blinkers are removed so be sure that when you open your eyes you are calm, and prepared to see things as they are and not as you want them to be.