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信息商业都在利用大脑这一古怪行为。Infomercials are designed to take advantage of this brain quirk.

但迈阿密戴德县有个奇怪的法律规定——禁止他搬家。But a quirk in the Miami-Dade County laws prohibits him from moving.

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同样不合理的怪癖,正在美国房地产市场出现。The same irrational quirk is now playing out in the U.S. housing market.

有关坏情绪的标准理论源于心理学上的“自我损耗”。The standard theory of bad moods is rooted in a psychological quirk known as ego depletion.

但是,现在由于法律上的奇怪之处,对欠债不还的讨论也不仅仅局限在大西洋的欧洲一边了。Yet thanks to a quirk of law, talk of default is not confined to the European side of the Atlantic.

出于命运之神的玩笑,跑在最后的人名叫尤洛特,在弗里曼语里意思正好是“敬爱的掉队者”。Bya quirk of fate, the last runner was called Ulot, which in the Frementongue means "Beloved Straggler."

最奇怪的是,磁星竟然拥有极强的磁场。On top of that weirdness, magnetars have the added quirk of possessing extremely strong magnetic fields.

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一束奇异的光线照亮了黑暗的山洞,我们进入到山洞里时有人敲响了钟声。A quirk of light causes a strange luminescence in its dark recesses, and as we emerge someone tolls the bell.

这是人类一种奇怪的思维习惯,我们会把对事物某一方面产生的强烈印象套用在对该事物其他方面的评价中。In this quirk of the human mind, one powerful impression spills over onto our other judgments of a situation.

紧迫?匆忙?你会不顾一切地花费更多。信息商业都在利用大脑这一古怪行为。Pressured? Rushed? You'll spend more recklessly. Infomercials are designed to take advantage of this brain quirk.

这些统计数据在一定程度上存在因为时间计算的问题而产生的失真,这要看“十年”的起止时间怎么算。To some degree these statistics are a quirk of the calendar, based on when the 10-year period starts and finishes.

Fowler曾经怀疑,人类中的不对称性是来自于在研究中界定朋友数量的变化。Fowler had suspected that the asymmetry in people came from a quirk of limiting the number of friends in the study.

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在长达一周的会议期间,其它几家手机制造商用这种或那种方式介绍了自己的手机配置。During the weeklong conference here, several other major phone makers have introduced devices with one quirk or another.

滤泡性B细胞淋巴瘤是一种非霍奇金淋巴瘤,肿瘤疫苗是治疗是根据肿瘤细胞的生物学特殊性。The cancer vaccines rely on a biological quirk of follicular B-cell lymphoma, which is a type of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

农业专家们也表示,这样罕见的情况实则是大自然的一种变异,如果母鸡在生蛋时受到惊吓,就可能产下异常的鸡蛋。Experts say the rare phenomenon is just a quirk of nature and can occur if the chicken receives a shock during egg production.

有时,这个词会不合时宜地从我嘴里冒出来,因为我想看看自己是否会歪打正着,突然间明白这句话的意义。Sometimes I said the words out of con-text to see if by deflection, some quirk of physics, the meaning would suddenly come to me.

命运真是奇怪,在被取消的那场比赛中进球的那个球员在这次比赛中再次进球。By a strange quirk of fate, the same players who were on target in the abandoned match were again on the scoresheet this time around.

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科学家发现,宽吻海豚有一种奇特的生物特性,该发现也许会为人类带来一种治疗迟发性糖尿病的新方法。Scientists have discovered a biological quirk in bottlenose dolphins that could lead to a treatment for late-onset diabetes in humans.

“她摔倒并且是背部着地,”加利福尼亚凡吐拉市快客法律公司的米可拉伊表示,是她的代表律师。"She fell and landed on her backside, " said Courtney Mikolaj of the Quirk Law Firm in Ventura, California, which is representing her.

尽管意大利的议会可能富于奇思怪想,不过意大利的政治似乎相当宽容,不计较经济污点。Quirk of the parliamentary system though it may be, Italian politics appears to be pretty forgiving to those with economic black marks.