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介绍了辫群及其在密码学中的应用。It introduction braid group application in Cryptosystem.

本文提出了一种新型公开密钥保密通信方案。This paper presents a new type of public key cryptosystem.

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椭圆曲线密码体制是公钥密码体制研究的热点。Elliptic curve cryptosystem is a hot topic in public key cryptosystems.

只有密码分析者才能评判一个密码系统的好坏。Only a cryptanalyst , if anybody, can judge the security of a cryptosystem.

研究了基于时空混沌的保密通信系统的安全性问题。The security problems of spatiotemporally chaotic cryptosystem are studied.

这种体制是一类MC公钥密码体制的改进。The obtained cryptosystem modifies the class of MC public key cryptosystems.

在计算上的效率大约是RSA体制的14000倍。The schemes are computationally 14000 times more efficient than RSA cryptosystem.

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该加密算法专注于一次批量加密多个明文的特殊应用。The cryptosystem is dedicated to the application of encrypting a batch of plaintexts.

除子标量乘是超椭圆曲线密码体制中的关键运算。Divisor scalar multiplication is the key operation in hyperelliptic curve cryptosystem.

椭圆曲线密码体制是一种基于代数曲线的公开钥密码体制。Elliptic curve cryptosystem is a kind of public-key cryptosystem based on algebra curve.

RSA函数是单向陷门函数,从而保证了RSA公钥密码系统的安全性。The RSA function is one-way function, promising RSA public-key cryptosystem the safety thus.

并且与设计的点乘硬件芯片一起构成了一种椭圆曲线公钥制密码系统。And it works together with a new hardware chip to get a elliptic curve public-key cryptosystem.

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本文主要完成了一个基于椭圆曲线的加密系统的设计和实现。This article deals with the design and implementation of a cryptosystem based on elliptic curve.

公钥密码实现中,模逆算法经常是算法实现的瓶颈。Usually modular inverse operation becomes bottlenecked in realizing the public key cryptosystem.

通过修改消息加密方式,该文提出了一种面向群体的密码系统改进方案。This paper proposes a new modified group-oriented cryptosystem based on proper encryption methods.

本文提出一种基于椭圆曲线密码体制的3G认证协议。A 3G authentication protocol based-on the elliptic curve cryptosystem is presented in this article.

NTRU公钥密码体制的一个特性是不能提供完善的解密。One of the properties of NTRU public-key cryptosystem is that it does not provide perfect decryption.

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本文提出了基于纠错码的一类公钥体制数字签名方案。A digital signature Public-key cryptosystem based on error correcting codes is presented in this paper.

目前,WAP中均使用以证书为基础的公钥密码系统来解决相关的安全问题。At present, WAP employs the certificate-based public key cryptosystem to solve related security issues.

辫子群上公钥密码系统的安全性不能仅仅依靠共轭问题的难解性。The security of a braid public key cryptosystem can't depend only on the hardness of conjugacy problems.