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艾咪在沼泽地里发现一窝野雁的蛋。Amy Alden finds a nest of Goose's eggs.

奥尔登和莫林斯于1630年乘"五月花"号到达北美大陆。Alden and Mullins arrived on the Mayflower in 1630.

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约翰奥尔登这才开始解释,以弥补转圜。Then John Alden began explaining and smoothing the matter.

而约翰奥尔登还在继续,不顾普丽西拉的话。Still John Alden went on, unheeding the words of Priscilla.

用青豆熬成的爱尔登汤,有如一篇科天的抒情诗。Alden Soup boiled with lima beans looks like a lyric for autumn.

但奥尔登表示,来自基层的支持呼声越来越高,可能迫使众议院顺应潮流。But Mr Alden said a groundswell of support might force the House to follow suit.

在奥尔登说明了斯坦狄什的心意后,莫林斯说,"你为什么不为自己表白呢,约翰?"After Alden had pleaded Standish's case, Mullins said, "Why don't you speak for yourself, John?"

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在工厂的工作中,克莱德结识了罗伯塔·奥尔登并很快爱上了她。In the course of his work at the factory Clyde met Roberta Alden , with whom he soon fell in love.

显而易见,奥尔登和莫林斯两人彼此相爱,但他们又害怕惹恼斯坦狄什。It was clear that Alden and Mullins were in love, but the couple was afraid of offending Standish.

奥尔登和莫林斯总共生了11个孩子,他们二人都在马萨诸塞州达克斯伯利城的创始人之列。Alden and Mullins had 11 children and were among the founders of the town of Duxbury, Massachusetts.

艾尔登的工程师认为,解决之道就是增加通过涡轮的水流量。The solution, Alden engineers believe, is to increase the amount of water flowing through the turbine.

然而,新一轮的压力未必改变北京的思路,奥尔登预言。The new wave of pressure, however, is unlikely to significantly alter Beijing's approach, predicts Alden.

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得知斯坦狄什上校在与印第安人交火时身亡的消息后,两人决定结婚。When they received word that the captain had been killed fighting Indians, Alden and Mullins agreed to marry.

祖叔父爱尔登。本特雷虽然体形庞大,但却和蔼友善,笨拙似乎就是他的唯一缺点了。A kindly, gentle man despite his size, Uncle Alden Bentley's only real fault seemed to be that he was terribly clumsy.

艾登.哈肯是医院的外科主治医师,他说在星期三的晚上,斯科特.欧勒森能够自主呼吸了,并能自己活动自己的身体了。Chief surgeon Dr. Alden Harken reported Thursday night that Olsen was breathing on his own and capable of moving his body.

唤起和激情,淘气和闷热,妮可奥尔登是一个永久的追求她的下一个音乐的探索。Evocative and impassioned, mischievous and sultry, Nichole ALDEN is on a perpetual quest for her next musical exploration.

贷款人包括对冲基金安杰洛与戈登公司和奥登全球资本公司。安杰洛戈登在其他几份美国报纸也有股份。The lenders include the hedge fund Angelo, Gordon & Co. and Alden Global Capital. Angelo Gordon & Co. also has stakes in several other U. S. newspapers.

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1969年7月16日,奥尔登特派团指挥官尼尔·阿姆斯特朗,航空舱试验官迈克尔·柯林斯和登月舱驾驶员埃德温·尤金·奥尔德林共同启程飞向月球。Launched on July 16, 1969, it carried Mission Commander Neil Alden Armstrong, Command Module Pilot Michael Collins, and Lunar Module Pilot Edwin Eugene 'Buzz' Aldrin, Jr.

艾尔登实验室于1994年初次取得美国能源部的经费,与佛蒙特州白河汇的概念NREC公司合作,开发比较不伤害鱼类的涡轮。Working from U. S. Department of Energy funds first granted in 1994, Alden Lab teamed up with Concepts NREC in White River Junction, Vt. , to develop a fish-friendly turbine.