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伊朗公开绞死毒贩。Iran hangs drug trafficker in public.

塞尔玛是来自奥斯陆的武器贩运商。Thelma is an arms trafficker from Oslo.

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她们的家庭穷到了那种地步,甚至决定把她们卖给人贩子。Their family was so poor, they decided to sell them to a trafficker.

毒品贩子担心传统音乐会的状况。The drug trafficker is concerned about the condition of the traditional concert.

这个药品商人很关心传统音乐会的条件。The drug trafficker is concerned about the condition of the traditional concert.

一名市长,一个犹太拉比,还有一个身体器官贩卖者似乎是这起恶意玩笑的开始。MAYOR, a rabbi , and an organ trafficker sounds like the beginning of a bad joke.

一个人是市长、犹太拉比,还是器官走私贩,这听起来像是个很差劲的笑话开场白。A MAYOR, a rabbi, and an organ trafficker sounds like the beginning of a bad joke.

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如果一名毒贩朝我射击,我会毫不犹豫地首先向他开枪。If a drug trafficker is going to shoot me, I won't hesitate in shooting him first.

这个令人痛苦的棘手问题使那个有悲剧性性格特点的毒贩辗转反侧。The tormenting tough issue made the drug trafficker with tragic trait of character toss and turn.

巴西安全部队已经控制了里约热内卢一个主要贩毒团伙的据点。Brazilian security forces have taken control of a major Rio de Janeiro drug trafficker stronghold.

墨西哥说,美国当局在华盛顿郊区逮捕了一名重要贩毒嫌疑人。Mexico says U. S. authorities have arrested a suspected major drug trafficker in a Washington suburb.

警察已经拘捕了李兴林,报道补充到,商贩是否抓捕仍不清楚。Police have been hunting Li, reports added. It was not clear whether the alleged trafficker was in custody.

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一毒贩被处死刑,儿子则被判终身监禁,家中留下三岁的孙儿及其吸毒的母亲。One executed drug trafficker left a son in prison for life and a 3 year-old grandchild living with a heroin-addicted mother.

在巴西里约热内卢的阿莱芒街区,儿童们在被捕获的毒贩家的泳池里玩耍。Children play in a pool at the house of an alleged drug trafficker at the Complexo do Alemao slum, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

警方指控当地一个走私团伙用爬行动物来折磨人质,这些动物都是里约热内卢原生动物。Police accused a local trafficker of torturing kidnap victims with the reptiles, which are native to parts of Rio de Janeiro.

如果你是个掮客或者皮条客,你在乎的只是钱,你当然不会关心那些女性或年轻女孩的幸福。If you are a trafficker or pimp all you are interested in is money, you are certainly not interested in the welfare of the women or young girls.

现在整个行业利润都低了,许多贸易商觉得无利可图都跑去做别的生意,订单一断,许多加工企业就倒闭了。Gain of whole now industry is small, a lot of trafficker feel profitless to run to do other business, order is broken, a lot of treatment companies closed down.

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哥伦比亚总统府15日证实,哥最大毒枭“堂马里奥”当天在该国西北部安蒂奥基亚省境内被警方逮捕。The Columbian government has confirmed on the 15th that the primary Columbian drug trafficker "Tang Mario" had been arrested by the police in Antioquia, northwest of Columbia.