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本人轻哼这喜悦的诗。I croon this poem in delight.

彩星,在她的低吟浅唱中。Caixing , inside her croon sing.

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他轻哼了他的信仰是个懦夫太多。He's too much of a coward to croon out his faith.

糖醋鱼现在倒经常会在撒哈拉以南的街道上出现。Sweet-and-sour salmon now regularly croon in sub-Saharan streets.

那天晚上晚些时候,刘易斯开始哼唱另一首斯普林斯汀的歌曲。Later in the evening, Lewis began to croon another Springsteen song.

是什么原因使你选择的Sonu低声歌手几行字在你的歌,好吗?。What made you choose Sonu as the singer to croon a few lines in your song?

他还保持喵喵叫几个小时,我们会叫他’猫王轻哼。He'd also stay up meowing for hours some nights, and we'd call it his 'Elvis croon.

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有时候我就想回到远古对我的祖先浅声低吟我们的未来是多么美好。Sometimes I imagine going back in time to croon my ancestors how fantastic the future will be.

听说安迪小的时候卡拉OK治疗他的自闭症发挥了奇效,我问他们,安迪还喜欢唱歌吗?Having been told that karaoke had worked miracles on Andy’s autism as an infant, I asked whether he still liked to croon.

遥望彼岸的深情,此时,不会怕时空和距离,时光流转,心心牵念,低吟浅唱清幽醉人的旋律,温馨,此生幸福牵手,美满相随。Looking across the deep, at this time, not afraid of time and distance, time, heart care, croon and intoxicating melody, sweet, happiness in life, happiness.

现在,在撒哈拉以南的街头上,经常可以闻到糖醋鲑鱼,尽管依然心存芥蒂,非洲人正张开双臂迎接中国创造的新的机遇。Sweet-and-sour salmon now regularly croon in sub-Saharan streets. Africans are embracing new opportunities made in China yet remain wary of all the pitfalls.

葱与洋葱相互杂交之亲和力极高,花粉管在花柱内之生长均极正常。Croon compatibility wan very high between onion and Japanese bunching onion as well an pollen tube growth which was not affected by each other after crooning.

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陌上花发,梳理着微醉的心事,忍把浮名,换了低吟浅唱的曲调,结了霜的泪,葬了昨夜的烟花雨,泯灭与幻散在弹指一挥间破碎。Procumbens flowers hair comb, and mind, can float, changed croon tunes, frosted tears, was last night's rain of fireworks, consumption and phantom scattered pronto breaking.

其他的哄宝宝睡觉的方式包罗拍拍货揉揉宝宝的后背,给他唱唱歌或者踩着点儿的唱着摇篮曲。Other ways to ease your baby into sleep without nursing him include patting or rubbing his back, singing and rocking, or even dancing in the dark to some tunes you like or lullabies you croon.

人们可以通过访问在昆士兰图书馆的这个项目来养这株植物,通过输入文字来轻抚它的叶子或土壤,Isai说这样做音箱里会发出呜呜的低鸣声。People are able to feed the plant by visiting the project at the Queensland library and literally stroking its fronds or soil, which Isai said would prompt it to "croon and purr" through a sound box.