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小镇的尽头。End of town.

镇公所的塔。Town Hall Tower.

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他出城去了.He is out of town.

这是个大城镇。This is a big town.

我住在这个城市。I live in this town.

我爱我的家乡。I love my home town.

我造了这个新镇。I built the new town.

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陈永镇回忆道。Chen recalls the town.

我家住在飞云。I live in Feiyun town.

切勿购买整个城镇。Never purchase a town.

马戏团到了城里。The circus is in town.

巴荣纳是座秀丽的城市。Bayonne is a nice town.

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我们刚到达城镇。We just lobbed in town.

该城镇背靠大山。Mountains back the town.

古街场黑咖啡。Olden Town Black Coffee.

我因事进城去了。Business took me to town.

他为这个小镇造的。He built it for the town.

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在这个镇里受尊敬、风风光光。High honored in the town.

我希望您喜欢我们的城市。I hope you like our town.

让我用汽车送你进城。Let me motor you to town.