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我希望能够再现荷马的原话I wish I could reproduce the Homer.

“您是桑多瓦尔夫人吗?”霍默问道。"Are you Mrs. Sandoval?" Homer said.

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“桑多瓦尔太太,”霍默很快地说。"Mrs. Sandoval, " Homer said swiftly.

杰克击出一个本垒打,使比赛打成平局。Jack blasted a homer that tied the game.

“您是桑多瓦尔太太吗?”霍默问。"Are you Mrs. Rosa Sandoval?" Homer said.

人们经常将其称之为第一悲剧作家。Homer is often called the first tragedian.

这在荷马时代是没有过的,这是一点It's not there in Homer. So that's one thing.

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最好的考古学者已经将荷马驳倒了。The best antiquaries have now confuted Homer.

我在学习希腊文是为了读荷马原著。I'm studying Greek to read Homer in the original.

莫斯、席默曼全垒打助王建民第2胜到手。Morse, Zimmerman homer to help Wang earn 2nd win.

除了原罪外荷马还能有什么主题?The Heart. What theme had Homer but original sin?

“G街1129号罗莎•桑多瓦尔太太的,”霍默说。"Mrs. Rosa Sandoval, 1129 G Street, " Homer said.

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这种事情的确会发生。智者千虑,必有一失。These things do happen. Even Homer sometimes nods.

这是在荷马史诗中就发现的类比。This is an analogy as old as, and found in, Homer.

必须要跑得很快才能打一个内场本垒打。You have to be very quick to get an infield homer.

难道是监管者像荷马。辛普森那样玩忽职守?Regulators dozing Homer Simpson-like at the switch?

她也引用了荷马和莎士比亚来解释原因。She also recruits Homer and Shakespeare to the cause.

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垒上有两人,史蒂夫?叶歌击出三分全垒打。With two men on base, Steve Yaeger hit a 3 run homer.

他打了一个引跑两圈的全垒打,过了右外场。He clubbed a two-run homer over the right field fence.

他对我矢志不渝,而我对国家忠贞不二。He serves me most, who serves his country best – Homer.