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纽约天铁治安保持会多少周去遭到了媒体的存眷。The subway vigilante in New York was in the media for weeks.

现在的当务之急是务必把“治安维持会”的事情办好。Now the urgent task is to make sure you get vigilante thing right.

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然而,他们也不能阻止汉族义警组织袭击维吾尔族人。But even they weren't able to stop vigilante group of Han Chinese attacking Uigur men.

民团昨天曾誓言要把他们的行动扩大到肯尼亚中部。The vigilante group had vowed yesterday to extend the operation all over Central Kenya

第一次骚乱发生两天后,汉族的自卫团体走上街头并袭击了维吾尔人。Two days after the first rioting, vigilante groups of ethnic Han took to the streets and attacked Uighurs.

在湖南省省会长沙,家长自发组成警戒队以巡逻当地的小学。In Changsha, capital of central Hunan province, parents formed vigilante teams to patrol local elementary schools.

可现如今有另外一个戴面具的正义使者出没于街头巷尾,他自称青蜂侠,罩着洛城那一片。But now there's another masked vigilante on the streets. Calls himself the Green Hornet. He's taking over Los Angeles.

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人权活动人士曾经警告说,如果容忍暴民司法,新的利比亚可能会走上歧途。Human rights activists have warned that the new Libya could get off on the wrong foot if vigilante justice is condoned.

他带领一班长大鹏也化装进城侦察,摸清了“治安维持会”召开的地点在杨家祠堂。He led a monitor dapeng also disguises to reconnaissance, found out the vigilante at the site in Yangs ancestral temple.

犯罪及私自执法行为泛滥,职业杀手十分廉价,民兵自卫队随处可见,南方还有一个穆斯林暴动团体肆虐。Crime and vigilante justice are rampant, hitmen are cheap, militias abound and a Muslim insurgency rumbles on in the south.

在海德公园和恩格尔伍地区,人们组成地方团队,并通知警察局长格林曼说愿意提供援助。In the Hyde Park and Englewood districts, men organized vigilante groups and sent word to Chief of Police Glenman offering aid.

在过去的一周中,村民们在该地区成立了警戒民团,并打死了至少12名被怀疑是群众帮派的成员。In the past week, villagers in the area had formed vigilante groups and killed at least 12 people suspected of being Mungiki members.

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在一个文明社会里,尤其是如果存在着一个错综复杂的市场经济,人们不会希望“私自执法”成为常规。In a civilized community, especially if it had a sophisticated market economy, people wouldn't want "vigilante justice" to be the norm.

我们已经看腻了这么多反应社会极端问题的电影,可你依然无法抗拒一部由凯恩主演的电影。We've seen a lot from the ultra-real vigilante genre, but when the movie's lead is as good as Caine, it's impossible to be bored with it.

每当保护社区的活雷锋沉迷于他最喜爱的消遣时,他就穿上红紧身衣,以为自己刀枪不入,自称为黑人超人。Every time this vigilante indulges in his favorite pastime, he dons red tights, thinks he's invincible and refers to himself as Black Supaman.

当地治安官闻讯迅速采取行动,以防止事件发生,宣称他们不会熟视无睹,并警告这些人,警方会采取任何进一步的治安行动。Local constables acted quickly to prevent the uprising, by asserting their presence and warning the miners against any further vigilante action.

从此每到夜里,他便被魔鬼附身,化身为鬼面骑士,同黑暗势力——魔鬼的儿子做斗争。From then on, he has been cursed to become a hell blazing vigilante during the night, to fight against power Blackheart , the son of the devil himself.

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比如早期的蝙蝠侠系列,那位批着斗篷的都是就是个粗鲁的整天拿着把抢的家伙,甚至还杀了很多对手。For example, in the earliest Batman stories, the caped crusader was a ruthless vigilante who carried a gun and even murdered a couple of his adversaries.

迈杜古里发起了治安维持组织,手持金属管、大棒和大刀的年轻人将嫌疑武装分子交给军方。Vigilante groups have been springing up in Maiduguri, young men armed with metal pipes, clubs and machetes have been handing suspected militants over to the army.

这个公园是许多小纪念馆的集合,其中包括一个灾难怂恿义务警员杀戮的韩国受害者纪念馆和一个纪念在东京空袭中遇难市民的纪念馆。The park is host to many small memorials, including one forthe Korean victims of the disaster-instigated vigilante killings andone honoring the citizens killed during the Tokyo air raids.