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他喝了一杯白兰地。He drank a tumbler of brandy.

他年轻时是个翻筋斗的杂技演员。He drank up a tumbler of milk.

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他从碗橱里拿出一只平底玻璃杯。He took a tumbler from a cupboard.

他年轻时是杂技演员。He was a tumbler when he was young.

不倒翁为什么不倒?Why could the tumbler not fall down?

在半玻璃杯水里面加上几滴。Add a few drops to half a tumbler of water.

他拖出了一个布满灰尘的旧磨石机。And he pulled out this dusty old rock tumbler.

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她停下来呷了一口塑料杯里浮满泡沫的冰镇咖啡。She pauses to sip a frothy iced coffee from a plastic tumbler.

首先打开你的大门,并检查了不倒翁密码锁。First open your front door and check for a pin tumbler lock on it.

我要了茴香烈酒作为开胃酒,我把酒装进一个装满水的平底酒杯里来喝。I drank ouzo as an aperitif, dribbling it into a tumbler of water.

山一半在杯的马拉松隆起,不列颠哥伦比亚,加拿大。Mountain half marathon in Tumbler Ridge, British Columbia, Canada.

在这种情况下,我们必须要正确定位底部不倒翁第一。In that case, we'll have to correctly position the bottom tumbler first.

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第四不倒翁应该很容易感受到它是一个在网上下。The fourth tumbler should be easily felt since it is the next one in line.

后门是五锁连环栓,单回路报警系统,小菜一碟。Back door has a five-pin tumbler system, single-circuit alarm. Child's play.

玻璃杯的边缘必须光滑,高度差不超过0.5毫米。Rim of the tumbler must to smooth, the height difference is no more than 0.5mm.

有三种类型的弹子锁,脚杯,盘,杯,和杠杆杯子。There are three types of tumbler locks, pin-tumbler, disk-tumbler, and lever-tumbler.

独特的叶片组件结构提高了叶片和转笼的刚度。Furthermore, a unique impeller component increased the rigidity of impellers and tumbler.

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如果你想要的终极工具制造堆肥堆肥然后需要找一个不倒翁。If you want the ultimate tool for creating compost then you need to get a compost tumbler.

但是,除非你有一个大石头玻璃杯或球磨机我不希望任何人使用这个来源。But unless you have a big rock tumbler or ball mill I don't expect anyone to use this source.

不倒翁一旦打破,不把任何进一步,进入下一个,等等。Once the tumbler has broken, do not push any further and proceed to the next one , and so on.