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广告盲目性。Ad blindness.

上面有他的广告。There was his ad.

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就把广告再放上去。Put the ad back up.

这是来自1949年广告。This ad is from 1949.

广告邮件请绕行,多谢!No spam, AD mails, pls.

这个广告是预先设计的。The ad is pre-designed.

一张这个课的签到卡?An AD card for the course?

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我变得很空虚又很黏人。I got all needy ad clingy.

个人来说我很心水这个广告。Personally I liked the ad.

孙俪为手表商做广告。Sun Li poses for watch ad.

一款非常直观的广告拦截器。A very intuitive ad blocker.

第二天,广告登出来了。The next day the ad appeared.

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我的广告得到五处回音。I got five responses to my ad.

潘和汤姆在看一张广告。Pam and Tom are reading an ad.

广告客户可以创建广告。An advertiser can create an ad.

关贸总协定是临时的。GATT was ad hoc and provisional.

比如反对酒后驾车的广告。Or a 'don't drink-and-drive' ad.

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MBC动作频道壁上广告MBC ACTION TV Channel Building Ad

价税或按价值所计的税。Ad valorem duty or ad valorem tax.

快速致富计划的广告?An ad for a get-rich quick scheme?